Suicides, Willpower and boosts

So I finally went ahead and unlocked and activated the suicide masteries the other day and tonight went back to exploring Variant 1. Popped on a 20% champion boost and got to work. After a fight or two of thinking I was losing a lot more health to the suicides than usual I realized that the damage from the suicide debuffs increased to match the boost but the healing from willpower didn't follow. Considering the wording on both is the same and there's no mention of base health on Willpower to differentiate it from double edge or liquid courage the scaling effect should be the same for all masteries. It would be great for this to be fixed but seeing as it only hurts the player I have no doubt it will either be "working as intended" or just ignored altogether.
If you think you've seen healing based on boosted health without the presence of a heal or regen boost active, let me know which precise fight it was and I can try to take a look at it.