Champions you just can't get

What are some of the champions you can never seem to get?? i have always wanted a stark enhanced spiderman, namor and iceman. i've got so many more that i want. unforunate though

There's a load of last year's I don't have (Mysterio, Stealth Spidey, Mr F, Doom, Ronin...) but those above are the eldest.
domino (do have her as a 6*)
capIw (do have him as 6*)
Omega Red
I do not have the largest account but with over 100 5* its amazing how many I am missing that have been around for so long. the only 2019 champ I have is Elsa, Cull, Ronin
Star Lord
Scarlet Witch
He’s been evading me.
That’s exactly who I got in my first one haha, maybe we’ll get him together haha
Still waiting
Resigned myself to the fact that I will never pull her
Also she's the oldest Champion I don't have, not counting Trophy Champions, the next oldest being Cull Obsidian which is a Big Release Date Gap for Champions I don't have...
P.S. Do anyone is aware when he will be at arena?
Don't have Ghost, SS, BWCV, Thing, VtD in any tier.
More generally, I'm still looking for a double/triple immune 5*/6*.