I think that there must be a refer codes in game which may give benifit of units.

Rogers 2~1Rogers 2~1 Member Posts: 135
edited January 2020 in Suggestions and Requests

Location - Near 'sign in' box,in settings.
Benefit - 20× units to the existing player (whose unique code will be used)
And 40× units to the summuner who uses it.
Eligibility* - Account must be at least 1 month old to use code and to share account must be atlest 5 months old.
Restrictions* - Each summuner's code can be used for 10 times only on different accounts. And one summuner can add code for only once.
*Restrictions are important otherwise youtubers will farm millions of units.
*It is also imporant to set elegiblity otherwise everyone will make 10 accounts of their own and will use code and will leave playing it.

I think that there must be a refer codes in game which may give benifit of units. 13 votes

Yes, I agree with it.
StarLord110896GhostboytjieRogers 2~1Giodood_1DestroyyourchamMatiEspinozaCharlesThe69th 7 votes
No, those restrictions must be removed.
danielmathCliffordcanLordNeoAlexBossuZanelyZ2f6hQ 6 votes


  • MetroidBlasterMetroidBlaster Member Posts: 131 ★★
    abuse written all over it
  • Saske97Saske97 Member Posts: 81
    It's missing the option "No - This is a terrible idea"
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I'm not even sure what this thread is about
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,796 Guardian
    Last sentence in OP says it all, that is what will happen. Everyone will just “REFER” themselves up to the max amount with brand new secondary accounts. There would be nothing that could be done to prevent that.

    So NO.

    Oh, but I see you NO choice actually is worded to be “Yes, do it, but don’t have any restrictions”, lol. You missed making the “NO, this is a bad idea” option.
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