is colossus a god tier now thanks to the buff?

I think colossus is a really good champion now thanks to the buff especially how they changed the way he moves. I find him a very fun champion to play with but would he be on the god tier list yet?
Going back to the topic, Colossus is one of the great full immunity champs in the game. A hard hitting tank is always a great champ to use.
I’m using him now frequently after taking him up to 4/55
As for "tier lists" - it's just a way to discuss how good a champ is. If you're not asking "is he God Tier?" you're asking "Is he a great champion." It's just the verbiage to debate how strong a champ is
Lol starlord down before first enrage timer up
With suicides he is better ofc but even when you only lock in 10 spores with a heavy it does a lot of damage.
Quick tip: you can cancel the 2nd hit of his heavy with an SP2 to build spores fast.
I suggest bringing ST with him.
In fact the only real advantages I can see with OR is zero contact close (hard to manage and dull to play), Electro damage reflectors (OR can medium them), and zero buffs on OR - useful on spite etc. Importantly there are other choices to OR for zero contact (no seem fights need it, its just a way around a hole in the roster), zero buffs - take your pick, loads of champs don't have buffs. Damage reflectors are a pain, but out and out reflectors are limited to electro I think.
Colossus wins!
Still if I'm doing hard stuff obviously I want Havok over Cyclops, Omega Red over Cable, Aegon over Agent Venom, Quake over Captain America, so on.
Yeah maybe you can do it but the tier system doesn't say you can't it's just describing value of a champion.