Acorn Awakening Gem: What Did You Get?

What did you guys get from the milestone awakening gem? When I opened mine, I finally pulled a science (my first!) after pulling three mystics in a row! With it I was finally able to awaken Ant-Man and take him up to sig 115. 

So happy!
What class did you guys pull? Did you get the class you wanted?

So happy!
What class did you guys pull? Did you get the class you wanted?
Personally, I think it's a cool rank-up. Yeah, it's a little limited in some ways. But this game needs more people to rank up characters they truly want to play, IMO
I think it's boring to always see threads about the same 10-12 characters. I am not saying I don't understand it. Just saying that I think it makes the game boring at times
No-one to use any Tech gems on also.