Add Single Alliance Revives

Mx268Mx268 Member Posts: 73
edited January 2020 in Suggestions and Requests
In the Potion Store Kabam should add the Single Alliance Revives, we have the Team Alliance revives, the Team and Single Alliance Potions, where is the Single Alliance revives?!?


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    Well, some recent leaks (which may or may not be true, remains to be seen) say that they are coming. Along with higher lvl revives/health for AW/AQ/Questing
  • Mx268Mx268 Member Posts: 73
    Terra said:

    Well, some recent leaks (which may or may not be true, remains to be seen) say that they are coming. Along with higher lvl revives/health for AW/AQ/Questing

    That would be awesome because high tier ally requires a lot of potions just to heal our heros. Still Single Revive would be awesome
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