Omega Red Essence Steal

So I have been using Omega Red a lot since I got him when he came out. One thing I have noticed with the latest update is that the Essence Steal on his SP3 seems to have a short delay before taking effect now. By short I mean really a quarter of a second...but somehow the AI manages to launch their own SP3 and kill you before it starts draining any power. It happens without fail in any difficult game mode like AW or Uncollected/Epic difficulty quests.
This didn't use to be the case. I would always push the opponent to red, launch my SP3 then by the time they recovered the draining effect had already started and brought their power level down a bit.
Is this by design or is it a bug? Please don't come on here and tell me that nothing has changed...because it definitely has. I've had Omega Red pretty much since he was released and I've used him a lot.
This didn't use to be the case. I would always push the opponent to red, launch my SP3 then by the time they recovered the draining effect had already started and brought their power level down a bit.
Is this by design or is it a bug? Please don't come on here and tell me that nothing has changed...because it definitely has. I've had Omega Red pretty much since he was released and I've used him a lot.
But like CapaT14 said, I for sure used Omega Red against that Crossbones and I know he went red on me a few times and it was that SP3 that saved me.
Nothing was announced in any patch notes that I can find regarding this so some clarification would be appreciate by a mod.
I hate tagging mods but this is a tool that was just taken away from omega with no mention. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious any ideas?
Not anymore .
PS:Excuse the poor play haha
But Omega? That's a different story. His SP3 has never had a delayed power delay in the 1000 times I've used him. 🤔
@Kabam Zibiit
Same issue in 6.3 and also in AQ Map 6 against the mini before Thanos. The AI doesn’t always use their L3 but it does happen sometimes before the essence steal kicks in.
@Kabam Zibiit
Give them some time.