Member Posts: 7
Hello. I am now tired of the stinginess of the kabam company and the fact that it does not give 4 stars from the premium hero crystal. I think every new player who started the game should be given many crystals. I don't have a credit card and I can't deposit money into the game. I don't have enough time to perfect my account in the game. If you continue to be stingy, I will delete the game!
And the main thing is that you don't really need 4* to play well, and this Champions might be good for monthly events only (I'm not speaking about acts 5+ and so on)
1️⃣ The game starts...
First of all you should understand, that it is a kind of 'tutorial' and you need to deal with it, and for new players this training is just act 2-3, not so hard and you need to understand main game features.
Now thing, if you are given a 4* Champion it probably spoils the game, like
- 'Okay, now I have a 4* Hero but can't go further, I don't have resourses'
But with 2-3* you might understand what should you do, and think what for it is better to spend the gold and catalists
2️⃣ If every new player have a 4* in the start of the game...
And here we observe such a phenomenon like 'greedy Summoner', you always need more and more, why not a 5* why not a 6* in the start and so on;
Just thing of players who begin their game with 1* and complete quests, it was a challenge... now we have a lot of events, calendars and it is a piece of cake in getting 4*; just play arena, join an alliance;
3️⃣ Ok, it is real, and new players have recieved their crystals
(And yes, you may purchase a pack with Deadpool for 1.99$ and play one of the greatest 3* for the NEW player)
And so, here we are again and you have your 4* crystal : "Oh no! Trash Champion - I need one more". And more, and more, is it a gambling ? Casino ? Just test for a player...
A lot of 3* maxed up (or near 2 rank) are better than 4* when you have just started;
4️⃣ Greedy Summoner Phenomenon
Oh, yes, what do we know about the summoner sigil ?! It is 9.99$ and every NEW player have it for a week and might claim all useful rewards just for FREE;
If you are lucky you can claim about 3 weekly rewards from this sigil (when 2 days left from the previous one, and the current week and start of the next week)
It means that KABAM thinks about new players, helps, and after it you just say 'where are my free crystals ?!'
So, and the ending is here:
Play daily, join an alliance, try to be active and complete daily quests with acts 1-3 and some time later you can get your Champions...
@MarkWard - opinion , nothing more...
New players are already getting a lot from their sigil trial