Gifting Rank Rewards Adjustment For Solo

I already submitted a ticket to Kabam about this and I was blown off with "thank you for sharing your idea"
After the disqualification of several players in the gifting event for cheating, they have adjusted and given out new rank rewards to alliances that were affected.
But what about the Solo rewards? They were affected also by this situation. And I should now be in Top 90 for Gifting Solo Rank rewards.
I would like to know what Kabam is going to do about this and why I was blown off by a bot named Kamilah.
After the disqualification of several players in the gifting event for cheating, they have adjusted and given out new rank rewards to alliances that were affected.
But what about the Solo rewards? They were affected also by this situation. And I should now be in Top 90 for Gifting Solo Rank rewards.
I would like to know what Kabam is going to do about this and why I was blown off by a bot named Kamilah.
But for solo rewards, I was close enough to move up to the Top 90 bracket