What is your plan for your Cull?

SkyfallNowSkyfallNow Member Posts: 110
Many players have waiting for so long for this announcement. Today Kabam just give some update for Cull. He is one of the best god could clear so many quest easily. Since many players complain about Cull balancing ("nerf"), what do you plan for Cull?

What is your plan for your Cull? 51 votes

100% sell, i still have many strong heroes
StefanjonesFallencircusForwardR_D_JrVerzzigotgame1075BboychoboSmashing123KennadoSpiderCoolsNiteAndDaeTanz0rUrrymonsterTehsigzorzWhathappenedVALORGUARDElSweetToothMother_FlerkenLucasjones_98mgj0630 25 votes
Sell and then rank up for Level Up event
HercWithAMouthRyseElFranko 3 votes
Just use it as it is
TerraKossukoseNEO_mr_AndersonLordScatsburyDenzel116Fred_JoeityRU11011Synq_SpawnzyyJet6_3StellanNik_860GAMEOVERJamesAndyball270 13 votes
I dont care, I dont have Cull
Mhd20034Mad_Titan_21Battle_Greninjashadow_lurker22SolotrixDjinAngusMac279DJMNHFreeToPlay_21Destroy4589 10 votes


  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    I dont care, I dont have Cull
    And I only have 3 * Namor
  • ForwardForward Member Posts: 115 ★★
    100% sell, i still have many strong heroes
    I have a r5 5* that I only use in eq just as a fun thing because he gets smashed everywhere else. I'll sell him and get my mats back.
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  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    You missed an option: wait and see how these changes play out. While I'm definitely disappointed that they aren't doing anything about his abysmal block proficiency, he may still be rather usable. I have him as a 6* R2. I may sell him and then bring him back up to 1/25 as a 6*, but since I recently pulled 6* Corvus I believe the cats will be better used to take him up to R2. First mostly just damage output, 1/25 6* awakened Cull should still be fun to play.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    Why not create a poll only after players taste the exact impact of nerf first? Is it too early to conclude any action?
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    Just use it as it is
    I don't use Cull in a competitive * so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Just use it as it is
    He will stack Armor break like hell, so, I'll keep it.
    But, didnt think about the level up option, that might be a great option.
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