Character balance updates needed to keep up with new/updated content

Donn1Donn1 Member Posts: 48
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
Hey Kabam,

It's been a while since we have seen some character balance updates. All of this new content is great. However, half of the champs in the contest are completely neglected and are somewhat unusable for any game mode. Some of which are listed below:

Luke cage
Iron Man
War Machine
Joe Fixit

It would be great to have more of an option with our rosters and be able to use any champ for their own different abilities. Every new champ you release has been thoroughly thought about with unique abilities. I.e Doc Oc, Stark Spidey, Archangel, Yondu. Compare them to the likes of Iron Man, Collosus, Luke Cage and Hulkbuster (same abilities from the start) and you can see the difference. The content is always improving (i.e. new buffs and challenges etc) but only a few characters have have been updated since the start.

A great example of a character update you made before, is Hulk. Although he doesn't have many abilities, his stun on specials and enhanced fury makes him extremely useful in certain game modes.

Would be useful to hear other peoples opinions on character balances in the game and which champs they think could be improved.


  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    You missed HB. He definitely needs a revamp.
  • becauseicantbecauseicant Member Posts: 414 ★★★
    Would be nice to have at least a few character updates to go along with every major patch. Please dedicate some development time to the old champions. If you don't have enough time for them it's time to hire a few more developers.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Sungj wrote: »
    Spidergwen duped is actually decent now after 12.0 people just hate on her because she's such a meme. She is in no way a top tier champion but with her sp2 stun, stronger armor breaks, double crit damage when duped paired with her increased crit rate on her sp1 makes her actually useable now. All she really needs is damage on her sp1 and she'd actually be a pretty good champ

    I agree to a point, the problem I see with spidergwen is her trap spider mode. It's terrible, serves no purpose and I find you often change modes accidentally by evading and blocking long specials.

    The need to bake both modes together, make her Heavy charge similar to quakes so she doesn't take damage for the first hit and maybe slightly increase her damage.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Would be nice to have at least a few character updates to go along with every major patch. Please dedicate some development time to the old champions. If you don't have enough time for them it's time to hire a few more developers.

    They used to do this. Magik is a good example of a champ that many once thought useless until they redid her for a regular patch and replaced her "rewind" ability with "limbo" plus a few other minor stat tweaks. Anyways they used to pick one or two champs to update like this all the time then all of a sudden they stopped. Not sure why, guessing they are just more focused on adding new champs than fixing old ones now.
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    Yeah characters need to be updated/balanced to keep them current and useful.

    Add Carnage to that list because he sucks

    He don't suck, he's too weak. :D
  • Donn1Donn1 Member Posts: 48
    Kabam, are there going to be any character balance updates soon? You've nerfed champs to apparently balance them out (Dr, SW, thor etc), it's surely time to buff some of the unplayable champs (some of which are mentioned in my list).

    We're talking about balance changes here...something you specifically mentioned when you nerfed all of the OP champs.
  • This content has been removed.
  • ThisguyThisguy Member Posts: 80
    Can we at least get a yes or no Kabam? Just asking for a little bit of that "transparency" you promised. I don't care which champ or how long it'll take but can we at least get a yes or no if some of the older champs are gonna get reworked/buffed?
  • Donn1Donn1 Member Posts: 48
  • Awesomeness44Awesomeness44 Member Posts: 139
    I agree with everything basically
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Donn1 wrote: »
    Kabam, are there going to be any character balance updates soon? You've nerfed champs to apparently balance them out (Dr, SW, thor etc), it's surely time to buff some of the unplayable champs (some of which are mentioned in my list).

    We're talking about balance changes here...something you specifically mentioned when you nerfed all of the OP champs.

    Don't ask Kabam for any character "balances". They'll nerf the good ones, barely raise the crappy ones, tell us "they listened", and we'll lose out in the long run.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    People seem to misunderstand what it means to have balance among playable character in a game. Balance goes both ways but people are only concentrating on one side, in order for balance to exist either there has to be an equal amount of good and bad champions or all champions have to have equal power levels. The reason champs were nerfed in 12.0 was because they were astronomically ahead of the power curve and pushed the side of good champions too far from the side of bad champions so they were brought down to even the curve. I agree that some champions should be buffed but people have to stop calling it balance because by buffing all the bad champions in game you are unbalancing the game because the worst champions in game won't be inversely balanced by the best champions. For balance to exist in a game like this for every good champion there has to be a champion to be equal levels bad. The other way to balance this game would be to have all champions at the same level of power which is effectively impossible without ruining the game, all champions would have to be revisited to bring them up to the power levels of Dr.Voodoo and hyperion or champs like Dr.Voodoo, gwenpool , hyperion would have to be nerfed which does no good for the game as a whole. People have to realize what they are asking for is to push the champions in game to the unbalanced side of good and stop trying to justify their requests with the guise of it will balance the game.
    You know who else needs a small Buff Electro. You know what that buff should be DEALING SHOCK DAMAGE ON SPECIALS.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    I expect all the listed champs to get no love and all be included in the initial 6* roll out. Like honestly think about how much better stark spideys heavy attack is than all the specials from the listed champs. They don't all have to be God tier (in fact none of then need to be) but they don't have to all be complete **** either.
  • Donn1Donn1 Member Posts: 48
    Now that champ diversity is a major factor in AW, we will need to bring in a wide range of champs to maximise the points.

    Diversity is great but what about the champs no one want's to rank or even use? When are the older champs going to get an update? A lot of champs are stuck at r3 for most because they are useless in every game mode. People ranked up specific champs as they are good defenders (i.e. Dormammu, Mordo, Spidey, NC etc) which are now useless for some because defensive kills no longer count.

    It's ridiculous how you keep changing the game modes so all the resources and effort people have put in to rank up certain champs is wasted. And you wonder why your decisions always receive negative feedback from the player base.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    You know who else needs a small Buff Electro. You know what that buff should be DEALING SHOCK DAMAGE ON SPECIALS.

    electro should be shock immune.. funny to see him get shocked when he has electricity running through his veins
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Remember how they incorporated the Civil Warrior buff into the pun. 2099 quest? Couldn't they do that to the other characters?
  • Donn1Donn1 Member Posts: 48
    Hi @Kabam Miike,

    It would be great if you can find out from the development team if there are any character balance changes coming up in future updates.

    With diversity being the main factor for AW now, players are now looking to rank up older champs, half of which have no use in the game (some of which mentioned in my original post). Character balance changes were a big part of your previous updates but there are still many champs that need to be buffed to balance them out.

    Why are threads not even being acknowledged!? It takes less than a minute to even respond to threads and there are countless threads where people are sharing great ideas or giving valuable input and they just get ignored. Terrible communication from such a large company!
  • Donn1Donn1 Member Posts: 48
    Donn1 wrote: »
    Hi @Kabam Miike,

    It would be great if you can find out from the development team if there are any character balance changes coming up in future updates.

    With diversity being the main factor for AW now, players are now looking to rank up older champs, half of which have no use in the game (some of which mentioned in my original post). Character balance changes were a big part of your previous updates but there are still many champs that need to be buffed to balance them out.

    Why are threads not even being acknowledged!? It takes less than a minute to even respond to threads and there are countless threads where people are sharing great ideas or giving valuable input and they just get ignored. Terrible communication from such a large company![/quote

    @Kabam Miike can i get a response to this please. This has been asked many times and as you keep nerfing champs that are already balanced, you should give the players something back and buff the champs that we can't even use.
  • NomarigerolNomarigerol Member Posts: 159
    edited November 2017
    Let's not forget Loki and Thor (Jane Foster) who are not as strong as they should be... come on, buff them please, they are quite useless
  • Donn1Donn1 Member Posts: 48
    Just going to bump this thread as there has been no response to any threads raised about character updates even though it is a common subject across the forums and many people are asking. When are any of the old champs going to be improved? Instead you guys are talking about changing MD and dexterity!?

    Are you ever going to listen to the community and take on board the suggestions people are making and feedback they are giving?

    @Kabam Miike it would be great if you guys could at least let us know if you are considering updates at all in the near future. After all, you guys have mentioned that you'll be more transparent with the community going forward.
  • Donn1Donn1 Member Posts: 48
    Donn1 wrote: »
    Hey Kabam,

    It's been a while since we have seen some character balance updates. All of this new content is great. However, half of the champs in the contest are completely neglected and are somewhat unusable for any game mode. Some of which are listed below:

    Luke cage
    Iron Man
    War Machine
    Joe Fixit

    It would be great to have more of an option with our rosters and be able to use any champ for their own different abilities. Every new champ you release has been thoroughly thought about with unique abilities. I.e Doc Oc, Stark Spidey, Archangel, Yondu. Compare them to the likes of Iron Man, Collosus, Luke Cage and Hulkbuster (same abilities from the start) and you can see the difference. The content is always improving (i.e. new buffs and challenges etc) but only a few characters have have been updated since the start.

    A great example of a character update you made before, is Hulk. Although he doesn't have many abilities, his stun on specials and enhanced fury makes him extremely useful in certain game modes.

    Would be useful to hear other peoples opinions on character balances in the game and which champs they think could be improved.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Sophia @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious

    Can you shed some light on whether old champs will be getting buffs in future updates?

    I see plenty of threads about this and not one answer from a mod on any of them. Please show some respect to the community and start providing clarity on what we can expect (as you have previously promised).
  • RoyalPlasmaRoyalPlasma Member Posts: 73
    They'll respond if it's not important or of much relevance to the game. Or you could try posting in the wrong category. That always gets their attention because they know how to prioritize..
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,334 ★★★★★
    Donn1 wrote: »
    Instead you guys are talking about changing MD and dexterity!?

    I think you are aware that the already OP Mystic champs becomes even more OP due to MD and Skill champs are missing their Pure Skill.

    There are also many other mastery still not implemented. There are options to make the Champs useful. It is a matter of tailoring the quest content to bring out the strength of the Champ.

    They could even do a 7 hours cooldown on champs doing quest like Arenas (example).
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    They said in the Q&A with BG that they were starting work on two cosmic champs
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