Abyss invisible woman

TipoTipo Member Posts: 113
Her health keeps resetting after her shield resets. It’s not 100% but it’s happened to me twice after taking 50%+ off.


  • TipoTipo Member Posts: 113
    Not sure why this posted twice. Please delete
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Yup I had that bug happen to me as well.

    Did it happen after you use your sp3 while she was under force field, then some time later she regained back to 100%?
  • TipoTipo Member Posts: 113
    Nope. I only use L3 at the end of abyss charges.
    I stopped using heavies to stack furies passive bleeds and it didn’t happen again. Very odd.
  • MaladarMaladar Member Posts: 22
    This is what the issue is:

  • TipoTipo Member Posts: 113
    Thanks bro. Couldn’t post video.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    Have you looked to see if this is happening against other Invisible Women? I think it'd be helpful to figure out whether it's specific to the Abyss version or not.
    Also once you exited the fight, did the health stay at that very high percentage? I'm assuming it did but I just want to make absolutely sure
    Also it looks like it might be tied to her force field dying out in the middle of a special? Can't be sure but note that that IS what is happening in that GIF...
    I'll make sure I'm looking to see if it happens anywhere else outside of abyss; I can't access the thing in the first place given I'm not cavalier yet...
  • Sugoi_DubaiSugoi_Dubai Member Posts: 107 ★★
    Happened to me too using Nick Fury, ended up doing the fight with Aegon (resonate mastery) and it was really not a fun fight.
  • coreymarko1313coreymarko1313 Member Posts: 15
    Hey so I know i saw something about this was posted, but I’m unable to comment in the existing thread though. I just faced the Abyss invisible woman. I revived and then activated pre fight with 5-65 torch. I was pretty sure I had done about 30-35% worth of her health to her. Which I was pleased about. But then, right when I died... I see her health shoot back up to 99%. I’ve been in abyss about 6 hours straight now so at first I was like eh maybe I just didn’t see that right or maybe I didn’t do as much damage as I thought I guess?Sure enough on the champion select page she’s only lost about 100-200k health or so. So I’m like okay, I guess torch just didn’t do as much as I thought? Then I proceed to go and enter with Nick Fury. It says “this is not the champion who’s pre fight ability is activated. Are you sure you wish to proceed?” Which I haven’t seen happen in a scenario like this before, but I’m like sure let’s go get herrrr. I have the real nick fury going, 5-65, boosted like crazy. I lay into her for about 45-55% of her health with about 100 hits left before the skirmish enrage so I’m hyped. I fire off a sp3 just to dump power and get back to my sp2.... and when the animation ends.... Sue suddenly has 99% health again. So at this point I’m just baffled, I let her kill me, I hope when I get back to select screen shes gonna show the proper health. No dice. Still only down by like 100-200k health. I recorded a video of the fury fight Bc of the torch situation, so I do have that. Sorry again for the post, I wanted to just comment on the thread but it wouldn’t let me at all. But yeah so, a solid few revives down the drain and now I def can’t proceed more rn and risk my last very limited resources (only had about 640 units left before this happened.) so I’m stuck just letting my champs sit in the quest now, my last couple bigger boosts expiring, and hoping I’m not about to have wasted a stash of boosts + potions + half stash of revives + 3,000 units worth of more :( I am so close to finishing this amazing quest up. Thank you in advance and I’m sorry again for the post <3
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian

    Hey so I know i saw something about this was posted, but I’m unable to comment in the existing thread though. .........


    Sounds like thread below is the one you couldn’t comment in ?

  • coreymarko1313coreymarko1313 Member Posts: 15
    Yeah happened to me too with human torch and with fury, multiple revives wasted
  • coreymarko1313coreymarko1313 Member Posts: 15

    Hey so I know i saw something about this was posted, but I’m unable to comment in the existing thread though. .........


    Sounds like thread below is the one you couldn’t comment in ?


    Yesss thanks man
  • KinderhookKinderhook Member Posts: 8
    So Kabam, what's the reply here? Multiple people in my alliance have complained about this, you got video evidence. What say you?
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  • coreymarko1313coreymarko1313 Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2020

    Here’s one of my two videos of it happening (second Nick part is when it is)
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    We are looking into this now. Thank you for the report.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    This happened to me a bunch this morning. Blew a bunch of revives resetting after she healed up. Really hoping to see a package of revives and pots from Kabam for this bug.
  • coreymarko1313coreymarko1313 Member Posts: 15
    Thank you so much Lyra
  • Boss3333Boss3333 Member Posts: 6
    Just happened to me!!
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    This one is very concerning. I could potentially roadblock someone after doing many fights in Abyss. Any word on a fix?
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  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    A fix for this issue is being pushed live this afternoon. Thanks for your patience!
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★

    A fix for this issue is being pushed live this afternoon. Thanks for your patience!

    Any update for those who used extra revives and pots on this bug?
  • Noob29Noob29 Member Posts: 7
    What about those who have already completed at least a path (or multiple) and have experienced this issue? Wasted resources, attempts etc.
  • Noob29Noob29 Member Posts: 7
    Is there any update on this regarding those affected?
  • Longshot_33Longshot_33 Member Posts: 374 ★★★
    Can anyone confirm if this has stopped happening?
  • Xraydude84Xraydude84 Member Posts: 2
    It has stopped for me. Still hoping for some compensation on this though!!
  • Xraydude84Xraydude84 Member Posts: 2
    Kabam any compensation plans for all the wasted units yet?!?!?
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