Acquiring T2 Alpha Catalysts [Title edited for clarity]

As if requiring 2 T5Bs, 6 T4CCs and 6 T1As wasn't enough they also expect you to acquire 6 of the ever elusive T2As to max out your 5*s if they are going to claim you can get just as far without paying as you can spending money than they have to make it realistically possible to get the resources needed to move forward, T1As you can acquire quite easily T2As you might get a handful of them through out the game and hardly all in one place usually almost a year of completing the master event quests will award you with a single T2A, so my proposal is the Sunday Daily Quest for the Class Cats be changed to an Alpha Catalyst Day, making it a little easier to obtain the Alpha Cats, even if its locked until you reach uncollected to insure they arent being stockpiled.
Acquiring T2 Alpha Catalysts [Title edited for clarity] 26 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
I get about half a t2a each week from map 6/7 crystals. But 8x t2a shards in glory store
+ whatever you get for 100% UC difficulty
Plus cav calendar gives a full t2a each month.
Easily 5 or 6 t2a a month
It till me awhile to start getting t2as at a decent pace to rank. Now, I find myself with 3 to 4 in overflow constantly. It's all about what work you're will to put in to be able to stay in a high enough alliance
I believe a total of 16 R4 Rank ups as well as 4 R5 rank ups. That is the equivalent of 84 of your elusive T2A.