Why is Kabam sending me this message?

I could not have used the exploit even if I tried... I 100% the monthly event quest weeks ago.. please tell me there is a way to verify this? @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Spice @Kabam Iko @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike
PS... I posted this in "bugs and known issues" as well but I know it will get more attention here. Another person is also reporting they got this message. I would like someone to answer what is going on here.
PS... I posted this in "bugs and known issues" as well but I know it will get more attention here. Another person is also reporting they got this message. I would like someone to answer what is going on here.

Again.. I 100% the monthly weeks ago.. I've only re run any of it for completion events. Even if I tried I could not benefit from the exploit in any way. Outside of quest ISO, I did not get any rewards after I 100% the monthly.
No.. I knew about the exploit and was curious about exactly that.. I am 100% positive all I got was iso.
I hope you are right but I need to hear from Kabam.. I recently opened a 5* crystal and it duped my x23... this is why I am highly paranoid right now.
Cross that bridge if you come to it.
I always use energy refills to complete master mode between AQ's... I've finished the monthly with at least 2 weeks remaining every month since I started completing master
You make 3 people including myself to say that now.. Kabam really needs to say something. Thank you for posting.
Check those guys' post numbers....it's their job. you don't need to answer their posts....
Since most of us are holding onto our shards until the "better" champs are added, Kabam simply deducted whatever extra shards they got from their current balance and that was the end of it; no harm to them, mostly went unnoticed to be honest.
Now for your situations, that's an interesting issue...say you started with 9100 five* shards and you did only one run, so you got an extra set of shards, say 900 for the sake of this discussion, which gives you enough to open one crystal. So you open the crystal and now you zero shards. According to their announcement, it sounds like unless you have enough shards for them to deduct, they may reverse your opening and give you back what you started with and take back what you mistakenly received.
I could be completely wrong, hopefully so in your case.
This is beyond irritating because I'm not a cheater and have out so much time into his game with both accounts. This generalized message isn't working for me and I need to know what the hell I'm being accused of.
You must be frigging kidding...
Thousands of people complete the Event Quest entirely in a weekend...Thousands more people complete it over the course of the 3 day Quest Completion event.
The only way to do that is to burn a lot of energy refills. It is possible that one of the triggers for their player checks was someone burning refills to run lower difficulty than master on the assumption that is not a common occurrence outside of a master run.
In the past (in other games) I've seen this type of process go awry where some people are given warnings because of a glitch in the database queries they execute to find exploiters, or errant logic in how they identify those players. For complex reasons I've discussed elsewhere, there are a lot of opportunities for this to go wrong in any MMO.