Ask yourself why Kabam

I don't support or endorse cheating in a game, it just sucks. But ask yourself why it is running out of control with Mercs and mods. It's not just because people want things, but the game is gotten to the point where many players feel that is the only option. Please look at how your scale the difficulties in the game, it goes from "okay" too "hard but fair" to "insane" with the hard to insane being a massive jump. Maybe if you gave people more of a chance they might be less will to go find those cheats. Think less unblockables, less fights where you must use a certain champion and when we have a drop in service how about the player not losing half the health (I have yet to see that wifi drop being my fault or my provider).
Now, I do understand to a certain degree why certain things occur. Just the same, they're against the ToS and that is that. Kabam should not have to dial back endgame content to please the impatient players. That's tantamount to participation trophies. This game awards dedication, and/or cash spent. Be it time or money (or both), you invest to get to the point where you can do the content that some people feel the need to cheat to beat.
When each aspect of Story Mode came into being, that WAS the endgame content for its era. Then, new stuff came in that's naturally much harder as people have had time to advance between the time they released the last piece and the current. So Act 6.3, the Abyss, Variant, they all are designed to challenge the best of the best TODAY. Many players are simply not there yet.
Some may've been playing since the beginning but they never challenged themselves to content they deemed 'too hard.' Whenever that occurred they created a plateau in which they're now stuck on. If you don't Challenge yourself and learn to overcome the hard content of today, you'll certainly NEVER have a chance at the hard content of tomorrow and beyond. Mind you, when it comes to newer players, they're just going to have to press as hard and as far as they currently can. Each day will bring them more opportunities to advance if they're constantly pushing forward.
Now, as to the 'connectivity drops' and losing half your health, well that's done for a reason too. Unfortunately Kabam cannot decipher when someone has lost their connection through no fault of their own vs when someone has force closed the game to reset the fight. As a result, we get the half health penalty. It's unfortunate, and very frustrating. That I can emphasize with. Just the same, I understand why it is the way it is. Which again stems back to people trying to game the system. God forbid they just accept that they lost and try again, lol.