6.3.5 Cramping path

Came across this path today as i slowly explore 6.3 and honestly i'm amazed how they have come up with the design of this path.
The nodes on this path are
Long Distance Relationship - applies a weakness debuff every 3 seconds (side note why can't we have a timer for this)
Cramping - While under the effects of a Weakness Debuff , 10% of your power is drained every second and you take damage equal to 25% of the defenders attack if you hit the opponent.
Best champ for this path and pretty much only viable solution is a sig 200 Namor.
Elsa could work since she purifies the debuff, however its hard to play around the timings without a timer and you will still take damage from accidental hits as soon as a weakness debuff applies triggering cramping. Not sure of anyone else who could do this path.
Ok so maybe there is a boost for this path, yes there is, it's the Balthakks Purge which purifies non damaging debuffs every time you fill a bar of power and extends to all debuffs if the defender has more power. This boost applies to Mystic champions.
But it makes no sense to me.
You are hitting the defender, you get weakness , your power is drained. to cleanse the weakness you have to gain a bar of power which you can't under the effect of cramping plus if you try you just take damage. So you basically have to back away to remove the weakness, which is what you have to do without the boost.
Even if the cramping node didn't drain your power, to cleanse the weakness you would need to hit the opponent with weakness on you to push you to a bar of power but doing so you just take damage.
Like how is this boost meant to help ? I've tried several times but honestly its easier to just parry 3 hits back off then to get this boost to help you do the path. Not to mention the amount of class disadvantaged fights and evade champs that are on this path
Has anyone completed this path using this boost i'm curious ?
anyone who hasn't done this path and doesn't have a sig 200 Namor, there is a boost called Live intel found in 6.3.2 which reduces passive damage taken when landing a hit to be reduced to 100% that works well with a skill champion like Aegon. Also another option is a boost called Composure which is found in 6.3.4 again this is for skill champions and makes you immune to debuffs for 8 secs every 10 hits of your combo. Need to be weary though if the immunity falls off before you get to another 10 hits then weakness pretty much applies and you take the damage from cramping.
Another interesting boost which i didn't try was the tactical maneuvering which is found in 6.3.6 which again is for skill champions. It does damage when a bleed fails to apply based on base attack and your combo and with the whole path having a bleed immune node on it means blade, NF and GP would be good (just thought GP actually might be good with her ability accuracy reduction mechanic). Squirrel Girl also another bleeder.
The nodes on this path are
Long Distance Relationship - applies a weakness debuff every 3 seconds (side note why can't we have a timer for this)
Cramping - While under the effects of a Weakness Debuff , 10% of your power is drained every second and you take damage equal to 25% of the defenders attack if you hit the opponent.
Best champ for this path and pretty much only viable solution is a sig 200 Namor.
Elsa could work since she purifies the debuff, however its hard to play around the timings without a timer and you will still take damage from accidental hits as soon as a weakness debuff applies triggering cramping. Not sure of anyone else who could do this path.
Ok so maybe there is a boost for this path, yes there is, it's the Balthakks Purge which purifies non damaging debuffs every time you fill a bar of power and extends to all debuffs if the defender has more power. This boost applies to Mystic champions.
But it makes no sense to me.
You are hitting the defender, you get weakness , your power is drained. to cleanse the weakness you have to gain a bar of power which you can't under the effect of cramping plus if you try you just take damage. So you basically have to back away to remove the weakness, which is what you have to do without the boost.
Even if the cramping node didn't drain your power, to cleanse the weakness you would need to hit the opponent with weakness on you to push you to a bar of power but doing so you just take damage.
Like how is this boost meant to help ? I've tried several times but honestly its easier to just parry 3 hits back off then to get this boost to help you do the path. Not to mention the amount of class disadvantaged fights and evade champs that are on this path
Has anyone completed this path using this boost i'm curious ?
anyone who hasn't done this path and doesn't have a sig 200 Namor, there is a boost called Live intel found in 6.3.2 which reduces passive damage taken when landing a hit to be reduced to 100% that works well with a skill champion like Aegon. Also another option is a boost called Composure which is found in 6.3.4 again this is for skill champions and makes you immune to debuffs for 8 secs every 10 hits of your combo. Need to be weary though if the immunity falls off before you get to another 10 hits then weakness pretty much applies and you take the damage from cramping.
Another interesting boost which i didn't try was the tactical maneuvering which is found in 6.3.6 which again is for skill champions. It does damage when a bleed fails to apply based on base attack and your combo and with the whole path having a bleed immune node on it means blade, NF and GP would be good (just thought GP actually might be good with her ability accuracy reduction mechanic). Squirrel Girl also another bleeder.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
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also a few more potential counters have come to mind such as Agent Venom, King Pin , King Groot,
as well as a sig 200 Vision Aarkus(would be great for the evade champs plus he negates/reduces the power drain effect).
I personally used this boost with aegon and steamrolled through the path
@Haji_Saab Ooo Nice suggestion
@IKON can imagine seeing how when i first tried to do it went through similar pain of taking the Damage because i have hit the opponent just as a weakness applies.
Definitely recommend the Live Intel Boost for this path, just wish i knew before i wasted pots and revives
also kingpin with hood synergy