Duping wolverine from phc getting 4* omega from phc Getting Elsa bloodstone from 4* hero crystal duping 4* magneto marvel now from phc so lucky with thes pulls even though magneto marvel now is not a good champ
Open 01Feb, around 1pm, open a 5* Quake and pull 6* Black bolt as my 9th 6*.. not the best and not the worse 6* (could have been Deadpool xforce).. no dupe 6* so I guess it’s 👍
The biggest ripoff is when u buy a Cavalier Crystal and you get a 3*. To become a Cavalier you cannot use a 3 or 4* so why should they offer these and on top of it they have the highest %. Sickening Really
Post the best or worse moments of your crystal openings...
Had a few good ones, but this was yesterday: 100% 5.2, got a mutant AG and a 2-3 mutant gem. Day before I got Omega Red from a Cavalier crystal, so I awakened him and got him to r3.
That is sooo sickkk
First time ever getting what I wanted from a dungeon crystal. Not remotely game changing but I still wanted her
Had a bad stretch of Cavalier pulls lately....until this
Pulled him an hour ago.
Pulled him like the day of or day after he got added to the basic crystals 😁
So glad I dodged that Havok!!!!
1) Domino (amazing)
2) Deadoool X Force (daym)
Just no iso sadly to level them up
Thanks Kabam
Last eight 5* crystals (mix of basics/Featured)
- Hood
- Magik (Awakened her at 4/55)
- Killmonger
- Groot (reality check!)
- Havok
- Captain Marvel Movie
- Dr Doom
- Stealth Suit Spidey
Last three 6* crystals (these come a lot slower!):- Darkhawk
- Invisible Woman
- Iron Man (Infinity War)
Even better, my last two 5*AG have been Mutant and Cosmic; for Havok and CMM. Just have to gather up a shed-load of T1A now...Also, pulled Venom from a 6-star crystal.
From a weekly gmc