Who is the Best Mystic In The Game?



  • PlinkoPlinko Member Posts: 173 ★★
    Scarlet Witch
    Doom is awesome and I use him everywhere. But if they made scarlet witch in 5* and 6* she would be a beast.
  • TrubluMateTrubluMate Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    Doctor Doom
    I have a rank 5 Symb, and couldn’t do without him, but his peaks are exceptionally high and his lows are below average. From what I hear about Doom He doesn’t hit the same utter decimation of buffed champs, but is a greater all rounder (I don’t have him though)
    As for SS against bleed immune, take him against Collossus! Goodbye Armor ups!
    My rank 4 Magik puts in work, as does my rank 1 6 star Dormammu, whereas I still need to rank up and use BWCV and GR, really looking forward to using them!
  • ReeenzoReeenzo Member Posts: 13
    Symbiote Supreme
    Even though I'm on that Doom hype train and I desperately want one, I have to admit Sym Supreme is still relatively better. Even if argued, he'd still be slightly better, Doom is one hell of a champ but Sym Supreme is a whole other level. On a really personal level however, hood.
  • ArondightArondight Member Posts: 125
    Doctor Doom
    Stellan said:

    The Doom train is so biased lol.

    Reeenzo said:

    Even though I'm on that Doom hype train and I desperately want one, I have to admit Sym Supreme is still relatively better. Even if argued, he'd still be slightly better, Doom is one hell of a champ but Sym Supreme is a whole other level. On a really personal level however, hood.

    Respect your opinion. Have 5 star SS and doom, doom outshines SS in my opinion. Think even if you have a top 3 mystic there's room to be happy lol
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  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    Doctor Voodoo
    Doctor Voodoo has a bit of regen at the start, sp1 turns every buff on opponent to poison, sp2 has potent power burn, sp3 can drain a lot of power on the opponent, has general 50% aar when needed, and increased buff/debuff duration, allowing him to get 7 hit combos.

    Sure, other champs have this utility, but I personally would love a six star Voodoo.

    My next favorite mystic would probably be BWCV, with her immunity control, regen, power control, and burst damage.

    Man thing certainly isn’t bad if you get a lot of poisons and armor breaks.

    I just feel like doom’s rotation is a bit long to unlock the damage, and doesn’t have the easiest access to nullify without MD, and SS just doesn’t gain power without MD.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    Longshot anyone??
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  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★

    Longshot anyone??

    This was made before Longshot was released
  • mebmeb Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2020
    Doctor Doom

    MS has gotten me through the hardest or most annoying battles then any of the other mystics i have

    I hate Morningstar's ramp up. She hits with pillows until about 4 souls. Hard time using her with suicides as well.
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  • MaesterAegonMaesterAegon Member Posts: 63
    Scarlet Witch
    Still Scarlet Witch
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  • edited February 2020
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  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Doctor Doom

    Victor Von Doom!!!

    Major oufftage, I salute thee.
  • Suman_sahASuman_sahA Member Posts: 417
    Symbiote Supreme
    i dont have doom, but i like sym supreme when i need immediate nullify , like he nullify all buufs of annihilus can start the fight normally. else he will be pain if he touches u first. then i use bwcv for every thing else for the health, power control...

    i think doom is number one for those who can intercept well (in case of annihilus). & he got the highest health, attack, block proficiency, so he is very stable. for my case - 1. sym supreme & doom & 2. bwcv
  • SymbioticVen9MSymbioticVen9M Member Posts: 92
    Symbiote Supreme
    I have BWCV,Sym Supreme and Doctor Doom Rank 5 But Sym Supreme does way more work then either. Doctor Doom is good but the reason he is beyond god tier was because of abyss which sym supreme could do as well as Morningstar that means technically you could argue Morningstar is the best mystic because people did abyss with her.
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★
    Doctor Voodoo
    Undoubtedly Doom, But everyone's voting for him.....
    After Doom its Voodoo.....
    Some may choose Symb. Supreme or Black Widow(CV)....
    For me it's Dr Voodoo after Doom
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,498 ★★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    I don't have BWCV but have the others in the list and for me Doom because of his tankiness, power control (steal) and high level damage all in one package. I just wish he was suicide friendly.
  • Nick1109Nick1109 Member Posts: 598 ★★★
    Black Widow Claire Voyant
    I don't have BWCV but I want her so I'm voting for her.
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