Who is the Best Mystic In The Game?

Who does the MCOC community value as the most effective and power-ful mystic.

Who is the Best Mystic In The Game? 271 votes

Symbiote Supreme
MasterSmokeDukeAce_03cAncAmOSymbioticVen9MErSandJcobra25Monk1Baseballguy711toocasual1979Taiphoon_zeroTheMightyKahrTheHeroDeservedTKS87GamerTBattle_GreninjaMaldroit2SnakepSuman_sahADonDudu2809 31 votes
Doctor Doom
SnakeEyes69VanillaCokesamalasravanHaji_SaabSeatinmmmbanyasNifzzuffyManup456R41nb0wm4g1cR_D_JrTerraGoldenSkullBajjsbwuqjwSolrac_2Jim0172NEO_mr_Andersonmehramanish248Lvernon15SiddhantKwatra 153 votes
Black Widow Claire Voyant
ZENbenshbStfckrCropDusterDeliSlashingSunset3Ax3Hunter44BobomanUrrymonsterStagedear85DarthPhalCyborg17Colonaut123spaceoctopusTJ107Nick1109Crazy_JamieTheDuke899Graydrox 40 votes
bhuv9191ЗАКСОЛИНanbu7dhoniDrBrad2008BriceMiester 5 votes
Doctor Voodoo
DrZolaBadroseWaynedavyCASrinivasSoyheyor123PsyLife 6 votes
Ghost Rider
Bpn88855Kayser2705Theheretic 3 votes
Scarlet Witch
KpatrixDrake2078Ben345qAndroggsLucasAgent753SPaulo_PkMidnite93ddomnatewagz419alin_panduruTalhamazizPastorAmerica[Deleted User]TP33PlinkoMaesterAegonHieitaku 17 votes
NojokejaymCSCHENONE 2 votes
SnizzbarMegaSkater672StarKingKaruseusFoxhero007Hammerbro_64KattohSpigupompomBeyond00_KalantakDarkEternityLegionnaireJessieSmeskhee 14 votes


  • SymbioticVen9MSymbioticVen9M Member Posts: 92
    Symbiote Supreme
    I voted Symbiote Supreme in my opinion but it was made to see what everyone thought. I see why the doom train is biased though!
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  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    Stellan said:

    The Doom train is so biased lol.

    Chooo chooooo!
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,382 ★★★★
    Dormammu of course
  • Crazy_JamieCrazy_Jamie Member Posts: 345 ★★
    Black Widow Claire Voyant
    The people who voted for SS obviously don’t own BWCV.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Doctor Doom

    As someone with all 3 maxed I can assure you that the least played and least useful out of the 3 is sym supreme. Still amazed how ppl can vote for such a niche champ but there are fanboys for quite a few old gods
  • StellanStellan Member Posts: 322 ★★
    Symbiote Supreme
    Haha it's just so ironic that you have Doom as profile pic while arguing him being the best mystic and me saying Doom fanboys are biased lol.

    Lagacy also seem to disagree with you. But I'm sure you'll find a convenient way to convince yourself you know better than him too.

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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    Also why would you claim that he knows more than me? Is it cuz hes a youtuber? If so thats irrelevant. Is it cuz hes an endgame player? If so then what content have you completed and not to mention tons of endgame players out there claim doom is the best mystic. Again you are losing badly in these arguments but cant wait for the next strawman. On to you
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    I knew it the second I tested him and said a month ago that Doctor Doom was the best character released in 2019 and if I ever get around to finding the time to seriously rank the kits of characters, I don't know that kit isn't the best in the game

    I would have to sit down and really look at some things but that kit was an absolute no-doubt 5/65 for me maybe 20 minutes after I pulled it
  • RU11011RU11011 Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    Kalantak said:

    - has regen
    - does energy damage on mediums and heavy!
    - does poison
    - nulifys
    - power gain
    - gains stun immunity
    - poison resistant and bonus attack increase!
    - unique playstyle
    - even poisons him self!

    Well when you say it like that, he sounds amazing!
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    Stellan said:

    Stellan said:

    The Doom train is so biased lol.

    Not even remotely. Have fun using Sym against anyone that doesn't proc a ton of buffs and while not using MD. He's one of the most niche champs in the game
    Have fun using Doom vs any shock/incinerate immune champs and enjoy the fragile rotations.
    Hmmm wonder what's more plentiful, champs without buffs to feed MD or dual incinerate/shock immune champs.....

    Guess what? It's non buff champs so Spawn is still far more niche than Doom and even most mystics. Even then, Doom still has normal.power gain and has power steal on top while sym takes a year and a half to get to sp3 without buffs/MD
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    Stellan said:

    Haha it's just so ironic that you have Doom as profile pic while arguing him being the best mystic and me saying Doom fanboys are biased lol.

    Lagacy also seem to disagree with you. But I'm sure you'll find a convenient way to convince yourself you know better than him too.

    Stellan said:

    Haha it's just so ironic that you have Doom as profile pic while arguing him being the best mystic and me saying Doom fanboys are biased lol.

    Lagacy also seem to disagree with you. But I'm sure you'll find a convenient way to convince yourself you know better than him too.

    Lol ask him for an updated version today and see what he says
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    ESF said:

    I knew it the second I tested him and said a month ago that Doctor Doom was the best character released in 2019 and if I ever get around to finding the time to seriously rank the kits of characters, I don't know that kit isn't the best in the game

    I would have to sit down and really look at some things but that kit was an absolute no-doubt 5/65 for me maybe 20 minutes after I pulled it

    I still think Nick is the best 2019 champ but Doo. Is definitely the best mystic IMHO
  • FF10FF10 Member Posts: 214 ★★
    Doctor Doom
    ESF said:

    I knew it the second I tested him and said a month ago that Doctor Doom was the best character released in 2019 and if I ever get around to finding the time to seriously rank the kits of characters, I don't know that kit isn't the best in the game

    I would have to sit down and really look at some things but that kit was an absolute no-doubt 5/65 for me maybe 20 minutes after I pulled it

    Warlock and Fury were released in 2019 mate 😉
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    FF10 said:

    ESF said:

    I knew it the second I tested him and said a month ago that Doctor Doom was the best character released in 2019 and if I ever get around to finding the time to seriously rank the kits of characters, I don't know that kit isn't the best in the game

    I would have to sit down and really look at some things but that kit was an absolute no-doubt 5/65 for me maybe 20 minutes after I pulled it

    Warlock and Fury were released in 2019 mate 😉
    I have them all, used them to clear stuff. All great. Personal preference is Doom, but it's cool if others don't see it that way. It's all good
  • otranksootrankso Member Posts: 18
    Doctor Doom
    I usually have suicide on so, I use Claire the most, she is just amazing that bein said, I think objectively Doom is the best although I don’t use him that much
    SS is the strongest mystic but as many have already said he is a niche champion
  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Doctor Doom
    I don’t own either but from what I’ve seen Doom is a monster
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