How many kills my teammates give on attack individually?

I wish there was a way to know that how many kills my teammate gave on attack individually.
I have seen many players judge you by the amount of items you have used which wrong becz of two reasons.
Firstly this method is not accurate as someone who has used all items may have not given any kills at all and someone who has used only few items may have given multiple kills.
Secondly this method discourages players to use items becz of which they enter the fight with a low health and end up dying.
Offcourse their are alliances which are pretty chill about this but personally I have felt/seen this many times.
I have seen many players judge you by the amount of items you have used which wrong becz of two reasons.
Firstly this method is not accurate as someone who has used all items may have not given any kills at all and someone who has used only few items may have given multiple kills.
Secondly this method discourages players to use items becz of which they enter the fight with a low health and end up dying.
Offcourse their are alliances which are pretty chill about this but personally I have felt/seen this many times.
Do you mean the screen that shows side-by-side comparison of your ally versus opponent, showing Explore % and points, Diversity, Kills, etc ??
1st, that is across ALL BG's.
2nd, it does not show your (or your teammates) individual breakdown of how many times they died while attacking (just the cumulative “Defender Kill Count” on opponent’s column, for the entire alliance).
3rd, maybe you’re thinking DEFENSIVE Kills, which you can indeed see while looking at your Defense champ full 10x5 lineup, and clicking on profile pic of defender from that screen will pop-up how many Defensive KO's that Defender has. (But that's not what the person is looking for in this thread).
Also if you like you can spectate other BGs as well. When doing the same you can view similar info.
I m 'not'talking about kills on attack at alliance or bg level,
I m talking about how many kills each player gave 'Individually '
Does it show you JUST your BG if you click it from within your own BG, but shows overall alliance if you do that from within a different BG ??
(admittedly been playing just casual 1 BG for a while now) but for “NoJoke, lol” I’ve actually been playing since AQ/AW first came out, at much higher levels, and as leader or officer the whole time, very detailed/stats oriented, and have probably helped you out at times over the years (or at least others, with such as new AQ Modifiers, Arena, Acorns, etc). But even back when playing multiple BG's, I only ever remember it showing overall alliance stats (not per BG, unless maybe once AW finishes), unless it’s just been too long since then to remember.
You can only do this in Aw though and not in AQ.
If im catching on right, you want how many defender kills and attacker kills? It's all in the history.
Poster is looking for how many time a teammate has died while on Attack. They want to see of all the Defensive Kills that are shown in Opponent’s Stats column (whether that be by individual BG or by whole alliance, sort of irrelevant to answering OP's question), they want to see WHO among their teammates were the people who had been the ones to Die on Attack (leading to those Defensive Kills Stats in opponent’s column).
Sometimes it is not just as apparent as looking to see which teammates attackers are currently KO'd because some may have Revived. And not always accurate in looking at how many Items people have used, because some people may have used the items as Heals BEFORE going into fights, to help ensure that they DON'T die (as opposed to dying and then reviving to help cover up the fact that they were the ones that gave the enemy some points (or, technically, caused their own alliance to not get as many as what could have been, but semantics...)
That's the stat that is not shown anywhere, not during the war, and not after the war is over either.