AW Diversity

NicHineyNicHiney Member Posts: 8
Hello all. AW has become quite annoying over the past few months. There is very little diversity throughout the defenders i.e. every path seems to involve fighting a bunch of Nightcrawlers, Spideys, Mordos, and the occasional magik, juggie, or CWBP. That's it. Other than maybe being hidden along the outside paths somewhere, these are the only champs I see anymore, and it's more annoying than anything. I was wondering if there would be a way for you guys to "spice things up" somehow and make war defense an actual strategy. The strategy now is "let's put evade champs on stun immune nodes, and mordo as other mini bosses." Not a lot of thought goes into placement anymore.


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,294 ★★★★★

    1/ Each champ can be used only once in a battle group; first round in defense and only in attack second round and back to defense third round.

    2/ Not more than 5 same champs in each battle group and more points for diversity of champs
  • NicHineyNicHiney Member Posts: 8
    I like that idea of scoring for diversity. I think I'd actually limit it to three of the same champs in each group. Good idea!

  • Doomed1144Doomed1144 Member Posts: 17
    I agree with this. I've been saying it for months. Max 3 duplicate champs per battle group. Problem is implementing this would be a pain and probably cause us more glitches then help diversify. Players with worse rosters could possibly end up bringing weaker champions to defense. I'd say ranks 3/2/1 would be the best place to force this, where 10 mordos, 10 NC, 10 Spider-Mans, 10 electros, 10 magiks could possibly be done. Wait until it's 10 dors, 10 mordos, 10 hoods, 10 juggy and 10 UC or something. All maxed MD with a 20% revive chance. That fan is gonna get caked up fast.
  • Ross979Ross979 Member Posts: 12
    The most annoying is nightcrawler, he have strong defense and too strong for offense, and people will put him with stun immune, and then your champs will be a BBQ, you know
    Make it BALANCE kabam, you make strong champs too weak, and weak champs be unbeatable
  • arglbarglarglbargl Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2017
    If you limited the number of champs that can be used per AW defense, you're opening a huge can of worms in terms of making it harder to recruit players or having players booted due to lack of champ variety.

    As it stands, its already a challenge to find a proper alliance and meet their prestige expectations, now you're asking that they meet a specific champ expectation. That's kind of over the top. Especially for people who have been playing for 6 months or more and have just started to ramp up their roster of rank 4 and 5 4*s.

    If a player has intentionally ranked up high prestige characters first and they're the only rank 5 they own, they won't fit into your equation because they have mordo and quake and nightcrawler and maybe that's all they have. So now this player, for all of their effort to obtain a moderate prestige to join a particular alliance is now unable to use the very champions that got them into that alliance in the first place.
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