Who should I take to 5/65 between Stark Spider-Man and Blade? Both awakened, usually used together.

Please help out, can’t take decision. Taken my years to reach here.

Who should I take to 5/65 between Stark Spider-Man and Blade? Both awakened, usually used together. 10 votes

Stark Spiderman (awakened)
TROUBL3DVoltolosInxSuman_sahAK3600Nocko 6 votes
Blade (awakened)
TerraMasterduxprotectors11Mamchu4eva 4 votes


  • InxInx Member Posts: 115
    Stark Spiderman (awakened)
    I’d say starky, just because he’s a glass cannon so more health is definitely a good thing. There isn’t much starky can’t do anyway and since blades heavy dependent of his synergy for damage, r4, imo is enough. Plus he has regen.
  • Mamchu4evaMamchu4eva Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2020
    Blade (awakened)
    Voted by mistake. No opinion on this. Thank you above poster for the explanation.
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