There is an Ignore Feature now available.

I didn't see this mentioned or promoted, but this forum now has an ignore feature. If there are posters who seem to constantly spam threads, or intentionally derail or disrupt them, these people can be selectively silenced.
Please use this to prevent them from gaining the attention they seek.
1. Click on over to your profile page via your user name in the top right corner
2. On the profile page, click the drop-down arrow in the yellow box (it contains a small 'person' icon and is located to the left of the 'change picture' button)
3. Click on 'Edit Profile'
4. On the right hand side, click on 'Ignore list' at the bottom of your menu options
5. enter the user ID of the person you wish to 'ignore', hit okay.
Hopefully this makes threads more productive.
Please use this to prevent them from gaining the attention they seek.
1. Click on over to your profile page via your user name in the top right corner
2. On the profile page, click the drop-down arrow in the yellow box (it contains a small 'person' icon and is located to the left of the 'change picture' button)
3. Click on 'Edit Profile'
4. On the right hand side, click on 'Ignore list' at the bottom of your menu options
5. enter the user ID of the person you wish to 'ignore', hit okay.
Hopefully this makes threads more productive.
Perhaps it would be more productive if you simply shared the information.
I have no issues with the function at all. Nor do I care about the Flags. That's just abused on a regular basis. In fact, I have no problem with the information being shared. Just pointing out the fact that it probably could have been done without the blurb about people derailing Threads intentionally and seeking attention. Kind of loses validity in implying that others are a problem.
You are gold bro, thanks for this.
Agreed. This seems like a easier approach.
The Forum is not only here for communication with Mods. It's an Open Discussion Forum. Which means it's a place for debate. The problems start when people make a conversation personal. There are obvious undertones to this Thread, which I will not engage with. Nothing wrong with letting people know that the Feature is available. The point I'm making is the more personal people make it, the more they reveal that it's targeted towards specific individuals. Which shows that those individuals, regardless of how many agree, are not the only problem.
As for the rest of my comment, I expressed my own personal feelings on it and I won't debate them. I prefer to have civilized conversations rather than hating on others and ignoring those I don't agree with. Which is what the majority will use it for. Save for those who are actually being harassed. Makes no difference to me if they have it. I just like the irony of people targeting others and saying they're the problem.
Fair enough, but not every post is meant to be an open debate. When a question or concern is posed directly to Kabam and it's representives, other users on the Forums should have the common courtesy to let Kabam address it rather than trying to answer as if they represent Kabam themselves. It is one thing to add more to a question or even add an opinion, or joke; but as far as providing answers or facts that would only be valid if they came from an official employee of Kabam, well that is not our jobs as users. That job belongs to the Moderators of the Forums.
They say they read all comments but don't comment on all of them. I saw a response from a mod who said when they see people have been given the correct answer they move on. Don't remember what thread that was in.
You can use the Full Site.
If this is true, the best practice would be for a mod to acknowledge that the answer was given by playerX and was correct. That way you don't get the same poster asking the same question. But this feature is a nice addition to the forums, it has already cleared up the threads for myself.
Agreed. I'm all for open debates on topics with moderators and Kabam employee's chiming in to provide insight and answer to our many questions. But when some users don't understand what healthy communication and healthy debates are like, that's where this forum ignore option comes in handy. It's one thing to add your point of view to a topic, it's a whole other thing to make an obsessive reply to every thread and comment with no intention of ever budging on a flawed viewpoint. Forum ignore ftw.
That's the thing about a debate. Everyone has a viewpoint. That's what people discuss. Whether it is flawed or not is subjective and based on opinion. If Person X thinks their viewpoint is accurate, they will inevitably believe that Person Y has a flawed viewpoint. Then the discussion continues with each party presenting why they believe their view is accurate. Which is one of the ways the Forum is open for discussion, and not only interaction with the staff. They can't answer every Thread. We have a community that communicates with each other. Which also includes reiterating information already stated by the Mods, and that's how we support each other.
3-Don’t address threads directly to Mods or Kabam. This is a place for community discussion and not one-on-one support from Kabam. If you require more help, please contact the support team.
15. Remember the main intention of our forums: to fascilitate conversation between not just our players and developer team, but between fellow players. We will not be able to acknowledge or respond to every forum thread, but that doesn't mean we aren't reading them.
And a definition of forum.
a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business
b : a public meeting place for open discussion The club provides a forum for people interested in local history.
c : a medium (such as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas
: a judicial body or assembly : court
a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion The town has scheduled a public forum to discuss the proposal.
b : a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities
"Desktop" meant full site to me. So I have to switch then to do it? Kinda like changing avatar.
Yepper. If there's a way on Mobile, I haven't seen it yet.
So what you mean was that people should not answer all the questions asked in this forum so they can wait for Kabam to answer all the questions since many of questions was intend for Kabam to answer?
I'd also like to say that I'm glad to hear that some of you are enjoying the ignore feature!