I'm done with Kabam's nonsense

Everytime in aw or aq something happens lagging or game freeze or block doesnt register all for a money grab I honestly believe this company glitches aw or aq so money has to be spent to clear these events you should be ashamed but you dont care cause you'll still get paid.
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Mine is releaxed, we understand life comes first and we don't kick anyone for not using items or spending money. We do kick people when they keep ignoring messages or not paying attention to what they're doing.
Network issues? You sure about that?
Not to mock someone's frustration, but I agree. Never understood the Swan Song. If I was going to quit, the last thing I would want to do is pop over to the Forum to post about it.
It isn't a network problem.
It is a game control issue and it occurs in any part of the game (for instance, the monthly quests). The problem has been around in various forms since I started playing. I started playing the game in December 2014.
The current iteration of the control problems does raise my blood pressure to an unacceptable degree. When trying to do a 5-hit combo the second hit doesn't even register and that is a bit annoying. A few weeks ago, it would fail on the second hit only. Now, I've noticed that it can fail on the 4th hit but the majority is still on the 2nd. Quite annoying.
Why this happens? I have no idea. The animation is smooth so there is no indication of a performance problem at all. (When I still played on my samsung s5, I would thought it was a performance problem. I have since upgraded and the animation is smooth.) So it impossible to predict ahead of time that you would get these control issues. It appears quite random.
However, the problem isn't heart attack inducing like it was back in December 2014 to February 2015 (or whenever they pushed out their then first patch). Back then I would often do my MMA moves from a distance because the dash part of the attack would fail.
People doing their "swan songs" typically want to spread fake news, alternative theory conspiracies to fool people into believing that the issues were deliberate ("money grab"). That's why the OP focused only on AQ and AW where people might spend money.
The "swans" are just as useful to the world as those who told us to save our shards for the upcoming black friday deal (i.e. crystals cost 500 shards instead of the normal 2000 so save up!). Or the veterans telling people that new players get better drop rates from crystals (so start over with a new account!).
These people are the best!
Edit: pay attention to when you see posts like this. Seems to always be on day 4 and 5 of AQ
Am pretty as sure when your champ starts stuttering an shaking across the screen like Micheal j fox then it's lag
The annoyance is real
But you could try a few things. It could be a network issue, but it could also be the amount of background running apps on your device(most specifically the ones that need a network connection) or your processor speed.
I encounter lag when it is KO moment. The screen will freeze and the next thing, fight is over.
I am wondering if recording it helps (to show the bug) and I think the recording app is blamed for the lag.
Your post was clearly saying that people are blaming it ion lag on day 4 or 5 belittling their experience of it, so yes just letting you know people know what lag is.
Am not suggesting kabam deliberately causes lag on AQ on purpose, but AQ an AW work in real time compared to quests, obviously this is causing most of the lag.
Also gameplay across different devices an os vary so much so just cos you don't get lag it's very small minded an ignorant to assume it's just people not being able to handle day 4 or 5
Sorry to hear you're having issues in those locations of the game. This is absolutely NOT intentional. It would be really ridiculous for any game to purposely do that.
Lag related issues can be for a wide variety of reasons, including your network, device specific, background processes on your device, as well as possible issues on our end. There really are too many variables to assist in the forums, but we welcome reports in the Bugs section.
You're welcome to contact our Support Team for additional assistance regarding this, or you can post detailed information in the Bug section of the forums as a report for our QA team to review.