Warlock Special Attack 3 Power Burn

Power burn on his SP3 seems to have a short delay before taking effect. The AI manages to launch their own SP3 and kill you before it starts burning any power. In any difficult game mode, quests.
( At 4:15 )

( At 4:15 )
(I’ve seen people referring to “ticks” of power drain elsewhere on the forums, and want to point out that while damage and other effects are displayed in half-second ticks in the game, that is not the only unit of time that game calculations occur in.)
@Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike any chance you can get an explanation from the dev team on why Warlocks’s special 3 power drain would function any differently than Omega Red’s? I know OR’s has been brought up in other posts, but want to make sure the behavior of both champion’s special 3’s is being looked at for patching.