Sort alliance members and summoner leaderboard by Prestige

Now that we have the option of seeing everyone’s prestige it would be great to see it on the summoner leaderboard as u can see base hero rating and strongest team and also on the alliance page to make it easy to track the alliance individual prestige rank.


  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    I really want to know who has the highest prestige in the game. This feature is extremely needed, like even more than the strongest team.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,752 Guardian
    Or just REPLACE the Stongest Team filter for prestige instead.

    I’ve always been suspect of Stongest Team, even at times when I’ve had a full rank higher than someone else in 4 of 5 top champ (5th being same rank), seemed like it would always show me being around comparable “Strongest Team” number to them.

    So what did it even mean exactly anyways ? Who has a potential 5-man Questing Team WITH SYNERGIES (??) that is higher in-quest-adjusted PI Rating than others ??
    Which by no means is indicative of your top-5 champs, or overall summoner Rating, or any prestige type calculation.
  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    It is possible for a top champ to be greater than hero rating because of the way they designed it. Along with prestige leaderboards we should also be able to see all profiles by either pi or prestige. It really confuses new players along with the one star colossus bull ****, but ya.
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