Rank 5 CMM or Corvus?

Both are awakened, I am currently running single suicides and saving up units for full suicides. I have nick fury rank 4 awakened as well to go along with CMM. I have just completed 6.1. Can only take up one right now due to lack of t2a.
CMM is a more resilient champ than Corvus.
Corvus a a beast for low health fight.
Whoever thinks that Corvus is better the CMM, doesn't know how to play her. lol
Personally I run suicides and have both at r4, along with nick fury. I’ll probably take both of them up, but for now I’ll be taking CMM because I feel she’s better than corvus in act 6. But corvus is probably better in places like war, aq and event quests. I’ll take him up after. Since they’re both great with suicides, both gain some survivability from their sig ability and both are burst champs, they’re quite similar and it’s hard to pick between the two
Corvus first and CMM next. They are both different enough to warrant max out. But Corvus is easier / simpler to use and he can help you more in the beginning.
It depends on what you’re trying to do next in the game
I never said he is "better". I did say he is easier to use and I consider him more effective on more matchups than CMM, so if I had to prioritize them for a player who has both, I would give this priority to Corvus.