Kabam please stop giving different rewards for similar effort



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  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★

    This IS about you as you are the one that created this thread. There is no chance at all that if you pulled all 5*'s that you have made this post. You are here because you feel slighted. You are trying to make this about the masses but it's really about you, and your pulls.

    Looking at your posting history, you come here to complain and never to celebrate your pulls. Again, you want "fair for all" but really you just want better rewards for yourself.

    Looks like @Demonzfyre beat me to it.
  • JollyHawkJollyHawk Member Posts: 613 ★★★
    So taking this argument out farther, should Kabaam get rid of PHC crystals in all rewards?

    This game is fundamentally about RNG, and I'm fine with that.

    This is my plea for Kabaam to keep the rewards the same as they are now.

    Also, let's keep in mind that not all side events have this type of reward system. This just happens to be a month where these kind of rewards have cycled through. I appreciate the variation. If the systems were the same every month it would get boring.
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  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    If you think the side quest is bad how do you think it feels to someone who beats the abyss and can’t use any of the rewards? At least with lol you could r4 any class champ. It’s completely rng now
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  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    Tayyab82 said:

    Tayyab82 said:


    It's not about me, but the disparity in rewards which Kabam can address a.l.a Season rewards. All I am asking is for better rewards system without any disparity. They can avoid such crystals for effort based pulls and maybe give option to allow people to buy items from shards as like last month, tone up or down as per how they want rewards to be but don't make it vague

    Also as far as your visual response is concern, nice visual, but no relation here. As two people with similar roster and similar progression has different outcome from these crystals.</p>

    Of course it's about you.

    If you had pulled multiple great 5*s, you wouldn't be on here trying to change the system. The only reason you hold any animosity towards the current system is because you were not favoured by it, whilst others were. You can phrase it whichever way you like, but ultimately, this post has stemmed from your own personal frustration, and not some noble intent to make things 'fairer' for everyone.

    At the end of the day, feedback is feedback, so it's all good. But the poster opposing your arguments also have a fair point - the rewards themselves are fair, as everyone has the same chance to pull each rarity. Sure, you might not like the results, but the rewards system itself isn't fundamentally skewed towards or against any player. The visual provided is actually a good representation of this, regardless of whether you acknowledge it or not.

    I'm not saying it's the perfect rewards system, far from it. It could definitely be improved, and it can definitely be altered to provide a smaller range in desirability. But I don't particularly agree with your line of reasoning, nor do I agree with the arguments you present.
    You lost it on first line. No point arguing with you.
    Likewise my friend, likewise.
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  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    What op wants is what someone suggested in another thread
    Rather than giving up 4k shards for a grandmaster shard crystal, why not have another crystal that guarantees a 5* but for more shards
    Or a 5* crystal as a reward
    This has nothing to do with who is pulled from the crystal be it aegon or venom pool but a lot to do with rarities of champions
    This really has nothing to do with "GREAT" champions
    Unless OP says otherwise
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Just to provide some perspective here, we've had the PHC, the GMC, and now the Cavalier Crystals for years. Some longer than others. With the logic presented here, my 200 units that I drop on a Cavalier Crystal should yield me the same as any other Cavalier opening. I paid/put in the same amount of work, so why don't I get the same rewards? That's what's being said. This game has many a RNG factor within it. Why should they change that now?

    Just because they removed the War Crystals from Season Rewards doesn't mean they should remove all forms of RNG Crystals from all other rewards. Heck at that point might as well make all champs available for the same cost. I opened a 6* and got Rhino and my Alliance mate opened a 6* and got Sunspot. Same amout of work for the shards, but I got the (per statistics) lesser champ. How is that fair? Lol... It's not, but it is what it is.

    Personally, I liked the War Crystals because they had possibilities. Now, we get what we get and that's that. Not a huge fan of the change. Some Seasons I got the minimum. Others, I banked heavy on those Crystals. I was never upset seeing others get more. Always made me happy to see someone succeed. God forbid someone else get a better RNG turnout than me. Equal rewards for all!!! No. That's. Not. How. This. Works.

    If you're experiencing 'disparity' then you're looking at this all wrong. This is a game, not a job. These are rewards, not payment. It's also always a crapshoot due to RNG, and that's the great equalizer. There is an in game economy, no doubt. However, the RNG is what prevents whales from EASILY taking everything. They want something bad enough, they occasionally have to pay through the nose to get it. Other times, they luck out and pull what they're after in their 1st go at it, but that certainly isn't everytime.

    If Kabam didn't do it like this, anyone could have all the best stuff for a fraction of the cost. We all have the same opportunities here. Whether we have the time, or money to invest in them is on us. That's as equal as it gets. As pointed out above there's a difference between equality and equity. RNG/Luck favors no player. Some go on luck streaks, but it eventually dries up. I've experienced it... many times. If you've played this game long enough, you should know exactly what I'm talking about. If it wasn't your time, better luck next time.
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  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    The ones complaining is because they didn’t pull a 5 star and are mad. I have a buddy who pulled only 3 stars from the 3-5 star. It happens.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    I think you're missing my point @Tayyab82 . It's a slippery slope. They start yielding to these requests based upon the arguement presented... slowly but surely people will push further. We all have the same opportunities in game at the end of the day. Whether the RNG is in our favor is another thing entirely. So to use the situation in AW as leverage is just the start of something greater occurring. 'They did it before with X situation, so why can't they do it with this one?' That would be the inevitable outcome.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    I pulled 5* Medusa and 5* invisible woman
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian

    I pulled 5* Medusa and 5* invisible woman

    From the Legendary Crystals or the would be GMC shard crystals? Either way, NICE! I got a 4* something, and a 5* Spider-Gwen dupe from the Legendary Crystals. I'm good with it. The 1st 5 pack of the GMCs was 2× 3* champs, and 3× 4* champs. I'll take it, lol. Fingers crossed I get a 5* out of the next 5 pack. If not, oh well. More opportunities to come as we go.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    Tayyab82 said:

    This IS about you as you are the one that created this thread. There is no chance at all that if you pulled all 5*'s that you have made this post. You are here because you feel slighted. You are trying to make this about the masses but it's really about you, and your pulls.

    Looking at your posting history, you come here to complain and never to celebrate your pulls. Again, you want "fair for all" but really you just want better rewards for yourself.

    Just read ToS please and try follow for once. What I have written is more as request for improvement. I have right to post and if you don't like, just click disagree, argue but don't make it personnel.

    Yeah I don't write about pulls, but not that I have always been complaining. I have also appreciated and supported Kabam often on forum.
    Again, all I'm saying is that you wouldn't be asking for improvement if you got all 5*'s. No matter if this is really about everyone, if you personally got all 5*'sm from these crystals would you have gone to bat for "all the people" getting 3*'s or even 4*'s? I'm sure you'd say yes you would but looking at what topics you've posted in the past, I highly doubt you'd be posting this thread.
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  • edited February 2020
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  • edited February 2020
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,788 ★★★★★
    Tayyab82 said:

    Tayyab82 said:

    This IS about you as you are the one that created this thread. There is no chance at all that if you pulled all 5*'s that you have made this post. You are here because you feel slighted. You are trying to make this about the masses but it's really about you, and your pulls.

    Looking at your posting history, you come here to complain and never to celebrate your pulls. Again, you want "fair for all" but really you just want better rewards for yourself.

    Just read ToS please and try follow for once. What I have written is more as request for improvement. I have right to post and if you don't like, just click disagree, argue but don't make it personnel.

    Yeah I don't write about pulls, but not that I have always been complaining. I have also appreciated and supported Kabam often on forum.
    Again, all I'm saying is that you wouldn't be asking for improvement if you got all 5*'s. No matter if this is really about everyone, if you personally got all 5*'sm from these crystals would you have gone to bat for "all the people" getting 3*'s or even 4*'s? I'm sure you'd say yes you would but looking at what topics you've posted in the past, I highly doubt you'd be posting this thread.
    Lol... I haven't been much active in recent times but tried either being constructive or looked for clarity whenever in posted in recent past. Not saying I have been right all the time, but still have tried being better thn a guy who think of himself as a mod and trolls the **** out of many. Happy to argue but wanna avoid making it personal. If you can't, lets stop here.
    Its laughable that you wont answer the question but proves the point completely.
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  • RemeliRemeli Member Posts: 608 ★★★

    Tayyab82 said:

    This IS about you as you are the one that created this thread. There is no chance at all that if you pulled all 5*'s that you have made this post. You are here because you feel slighted. You are trying to make this about the masses but it's really about you, and your pulls.

    Looking at your posting history, you come here to complain and never to celebrate your pulls. Again, you want "fair for all" but really you just want better rewards for yourself.

    Just read ToS please and try follow for once. What I have written is more as request for improvement. I have right to post and if you don't like, just click disagree, argue but don't make it personnel.

    Yeah I don't write about pulls, but not that I have always been complaining. I have also appreciated and supported Kabam often on forum.
    Again, all I'm saying is that you wouldn't be asking for improvement if you got all 5*'s. No matter if this is really about everyone, if you personally got all 5*'sm from these crystals would you have gone to bat for "all the people" getting 3*'s or even 4*'s? I'm sure you'd say yes you would but looking at what topics you've posted in the past, I highly doubt you'd be posting this thread.
    I pulled 2 5* out of this sidequest and i still agree with OP.
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    Remeli said:

    You guys are just being obtuse.

    He brings a very good point. Kabam doesnt have to put in rewards with such a huge difference in potential rewards. Thats why bringing the exemple of War crystal makes sense. Kabam finally realised the difference in rewards was too much and changed it.

    Thats all the OP is asking. Instead of making 4-5* crystal makes it only 4 or only 5* crystal. The RNG is already big enough in a 5* crystal as some ppl will get Ghost while other will get Groot for the same effort. It would still suck for whoever gets Groot but at least he will have a 5* for the effort instead of getting a 4* Groot while someone else gets a 5* Ghost for the exact same effort.

    I was lucky enough to get two 5* out of this side event and i still think its dumb that most people are getting 3* and 4* for doing the same thing i did. RNG is the name of the game and its cool with me but imo the rng has too big of a spread in this case.

    Very good point, I was fortunate to have 3 5stars out of it. Thor being the best out of them so um content with it. But others are crying about what they got. And if there's a way to reduce the RNG just a bit, I'm all for it. Another day it might be me crying 😂
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    There's a difference between a 4-week Ranked competition, and a monthly Event with side material.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    Besides, they're not all RNG-based. Some will be. It's just a part of this game and the Reward structure. It's a game that's based on RNG. That isn't likely going to change.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    Tayyab82 said:

    Tayyab82 said:

    Tayyab82 said:

    Tayyab82 said:

    Earlier Kabam removed AW Season Crystal in S15 to bring parity to people finishing in similar tier.

    Many welcomed the move, a few were unhappy, but overall it did gave an impression that Kabam is moving towards right direction...but we were so wrong!!

    Why?? Just look at Crystals you are getting from this month side quest. Many are getting only 3* or 4*s from legendary/ Grandmaster Shattered Crystal while some are enjoying 5*s. How this is right when the effort put by all are similar. Its a different story whether this month rewards are good or not, but don't make it bad for some and good for few when efforts being put are same. Please stop this madness...

    AW is 1000 times harder than this side quest. They kept energy at 1 per step plus the whole thing is optional. Abyss of Legends came out before this side quest and is chalk full of RNG rewards. Curious why you chose to compare this side quest to AW rewards instead of something like Abyss where unless you have the right team, your efforts are much more difficult.

    Not to mention every quest that exists in this game has RNG rewards, even AW. What if the 5* shards from the AW rewards gives me a 5* and I get Iron Patriot and we ranked #2 Gold 1 but someone who ranked #499 pulls a 5* Aegon.... Is that fair? Technically we worked harder than them.

    Everyone uses a backup and most often they are needed. If they just placed defense, they get the same rewards as I do for running a lane. War MVPs get nothing extra for doing all the work. Hows that fair?

    Point is, just play the.game. RNG runs this game.
    The only reason comparing with AW is to show how they moved towards bringing parity in recent times. Its well known how at times Plat 3/4 were pulling less shards from those crystals in comparison to a G2/3. It was a nice step forward from Kabam.

    Yes, I understand not necessarily one get good hero from 5* and so does at time with AGs (I myself has pulled 4Tech and 3Mystic till date and no other class) but atleast you are getting a 5* or AG. Yes one can't compare Aegon with IP, and thats a bigger issue which Kabam should have addressed way back.

    However, if one putting similar effort and getting only 3* or 4* and other person getting 5 5*, how this is correct?
    Its "correct" because you choose to do the content or not which means you've accepted the rewards you get.
    Nope, I do the content as I enjoy playing this game. I have issue with this side EQ because the rewards are bringing disparity and hence it needs to talk about. And forum here is the best option to bring it up so Kabam can look at resolving it in near future, as like they did with AW Season Crystals.
    But if you got all 5*'s you wouldn't be here. 🤷
    I would be bragging about it here on forum so you can click disagree button...lol

    But the issue is not about me, but a general issue which many are writing on about in different threads. Hope you have noticed few post about pulls in the past few days.

    Its an issue which Kabam can very much address, as they did with AW season crystal. So don't understand whats wrong in bringing it up. Criticism at times also helps in ironing out any wrong.

    Probably instead of making about me or you, would request you to please give reasons on why these crystals are fair to all.
    Either you believe random rewards are fair, or you don't. If you think they aren't, I doubt anyone will convince you otherwise. But random rewards are not an issue for Kabam to solve. They are a feature of the game which can be used more or less, but are not going away and are never going to be considered unfair by the game itself. People have been complaining about random rewards for as long as I've been on the forums. While individual rewards have sometimes changed, no amount of complaining as ever moved the game one bit away from using random rewards in general. The fact that you saw the change in AW crystals as a sign Kabam was changing their stance on random rewards is a misperception on your part.
  • ScholiaScholia Member Posts: 116
    Tayyab82 said:

    Tayyab82 said:

    Tayyab82 said:

    This IS about you as you are the one that created this thread. There is no chance at all that if you pulled all 5*'s that you have made this post. You are here because you feel slighted. You are trying to make this about the masses but it's really about you, and your pulls.

    Looking at your posting history, you come here to complain and never to celebrate your pulls. Again, you want "fair for all" but really you just want better rewards for yourself.

    Just read ToS please and try follow for once. What I have written is more as request for improvement. I have right to post and if you don't like, just click disagree, argue but don't make it personnel.

    Yeah I don't write about pulls, but not that I have always been complaining. I have also appreciated and supported Kabam often on forum.
    Again, all I'm saying is that you wouldn't be asking for improvement if you got all 5*'s. No matter if this is really about everyone, if you personally got all 5*'sm from these crystals would you have gone to bat for "all the people" getting 3*'s or even 4*'s? I'm sure you'd say yes you would but looking at what topics you've posted in the past, I highly doubt you'd be posting this thread.
    Lol... I haven't been much active in recent times but tried either being constructive or looked for clarity whenever in posted in recent past. Not saying I have been right all the time, but still have tried being better thn a guy who think of himself as a mod and trolls the **** out of many. Happy to argue but wanna avoid making it personal. If you can't, lets stop here.
    Its laughable that you wont answer the question but proves the point completely.
    To answer, I would have. I have written against Gifting event despite my alliance finishing in top 1-5pc and myself getting so many good rewards regularly e.g. alot 6* shard (opened two after the event), t5b shards (Almost got 2full - having 4 right now waiting to rankup right hero), T2A shards (alot), 5* shards.

    Don't think I need to prove to you further.
    You don’t need to prove yourself to her. Demon loves attention. It’s like a drug to her
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