Community Discussion: Friends within The Contest

Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
Greetings, Summoners!

Valentine’s has come and gone, but the Battlerealm is still blooming with love in the air. During this time we’re reminded of the bonds that are formed throughout our stories and others. However, our Champions aren’t the only ones forming ties within this Contest. Conversations have been passed around since the start about Summoners making friends within their Alliances or even through Global Chat (yes, even Global). We’ve also seen friendships formed right here on our forums and we want to know more!

I’ve actually gotten to know more about some of the people I work with by playing The Contest together. Alliances, Dungeons, or just conversations about what to do next! If it wasn’t for the Battlerealm, I may not know some of these folks as well as I do now.

Tell us about the friends you’ve made in The Contest, new and old! We want to hear your story.


  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★

    Mysterio said:

    So I am a major fan of Spidey villains, like they are my favourite comic characters of all time. I met this guy in my alliance that also loved them and it turned out we both liked to think of possible abilities and animations for characters like Sandman, Lizard, Kraven, etc. We formed a strong bond because of this. Turns out we both life close by so we did an all spidey films marathon and now, 1.5 years later, we are some of the best friends. (Please add more Spidey villains).

    Aw, that's so nice! It's actually a small world finding out y'all live close to one another. I'm glad to hear the friendship is still kicking strong. :)
    Do you wanna join the Spidey movie marathon?
  • BigbowlrBigbowlr Member Posts: 137 ★★
    I downloaded the game the day it released in the app store and wasnt a fan. 6 months later a friend said the game had been updated alot and I should try it again. I resent him to this day(not really). Over the far too many years playing this game I've met many people and forgotten even more. The few people I haven't forgotten have become friends(whom I hope to meet IRL someday).
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Been in alliance from past 5 years with some in and outs due to real life commitments but i must say i made many good friends here. They are so humble at times
    They’ve helped me in clearing quests selflessly sending revives when gifting was allowed and so I reciprocated too in helping them when they’re in trouble.
    We also became friends on social media accounts too and some of the guys met offline also. We’ve seen many getting married in this long 5 years journey , some having new born kids , some getting graduated etc etc but there’s one thing always there and that is loyalty.
    We’ve build this alliance from scratch way back in 2015 and now it’s huge with the passage of time.
    Many guys left many new came but still it’s going forever .

    As long as you are being loyal to your alliance you are having a good time. There maybe disagreements on various issues but that’s how it works. You need to listen to everyone and do what good for alliance

  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Mysterio said:

    Mysterio said:

    So I am a major fan of Spidey villains, like they are my favourite comic characters of all time. I met this guy in my alliance that also loved them and it turned out we both liked to think of possible abilities and animations for characters like Sandman, Lizard, Kraven, etc. We formed a strong bond because of this. Turns out we both life close by so we did an all spidey films marathon and now, 1.5 years later, we are some of the best friends. (Please add more Spidey villains).

    Aw, that's so nice! It's actually a small world finding out y'all live close to one another. I'm glad to hear the friendship is still kicking strong. :)
    Do you wanna join the Spidey movie marathon?
    Haha! Would love to!
  • Inventor6bInventor6b Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2020
    I wasn't a huge fan of MCOC until some IRL friends showed me how the game was more than mashing left and right on my screen. Since then, it has been amazing to join and grow with an alliance and all the great members there as well. I've had to step away from my alliance due to life getting too busy for that type of commitment. But the great people there have let me stick around in the group chats and talk shop. I've become closer friends with some of the guys there then I thought could be possible online. Even though I may have to retire from MCOC soon, I'm glad they're still interested in being friends and talking about things outside of video games. Shout out to the amazing HOUSE OF MAYHEM!
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    What do you mean by "friends"? Sure, I've people which I can share a good pull with. But are those friends?
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★

    My alliance had about half of us at nycc, and we rented a house together for about 7 of us. Enzo even flew up from Switzerland!

    This is so heartwarming, oh my gosh. I hope you all had a blast!!
    We did! one of our guys even made the finals but lost to MSD (we still make fun of him for losing to a 15 year old, it's great)
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★

    Been in alliance from past 5 years with some in and outs due to real life commitments but i must say i made many good friends here. They are so humble at times
    They’ve helped me in clearing quests selflessly sending revives when gifting was allowed and so I reciprocated too in helping them when they’re in trouble.
    We also became friends on social media accounts too and some of the guys met offline also. We’ve seen many getting married in this long 5 years journey , some having new born kids , some getting graduated etc etc but there’s one thing always there and that is loyalty.
    We’ve build this alliance from scratch way back in 2015 and now it’s huge with the passage of time.
    Many guys left many new came but still it’s going forever .

    As long as you are being loyal to your alliance you are having a good time. There maybe disagreements on various issues but that’s how it works. You need to listen to everyone and do what good for alliance


    It's awesome to hear you've been part of their lives for so long! Awesome they've been part of yours too. Glad to hear there's things still going strong for y'all.
  • UltimateBatJokeUltimateBatJoke Member Posts: 221
    I brought a friend from outside the game to start playing the game after a 5 month break. We’re now in the same alliance and math class
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★

    My alliance had about half of us at nycc, and we rented a house together for about 7 of us. Enzo even flew up from Switzerland!

    This and meeting other MCOC players and MCOC staff from the Summoner Showdown is the highlight of my MCOC experience. Such amazing people who were so much fun to hang out with in person.
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★
    No matter if we hate the connection problem or bugs or anything else in the game its the friendships that been forged over the years and loyalty created. That really shows what an exciting mobile community can be when coming together for a common goal. Be it Marvel or DC or Pubgm or CODM there will always be a large fan base where fans can eventually meet up in IRL!.

    Here is to mobile gaming industry and how it has taken the scene by storm and its popularity growing every day! If it wasnt for that i would probably be living a boring life lol
  • jammybstrdjammybstrd Member Posts: 36
    Reconnected with my first alliance leader after 2 years of no contact by chance on global, and we hit it off from there. We have come a long way, climbing from tier 12 war all the way to tier 2.

    Amazing some of the people I have met on a free mobile game, found so many great friends with similar interests (but completely different opinions on champions, lol).
  • SuperiorSymbioteSuperiorSymbiote Member Posts: 1,862 ★★★★★
    Yeah my friend and I used to be in the same alliance and always talked about characters mainly from the spider-verse, he was a good friend unfortunately he hasn’t come back online. But my current ally is pretty much the same so not all that bad.
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★

    Reconnected with my first alliance leader after 2 years of no contact by chance on global, and we hit it off from there. We have come a long way, climbing from tier 12 war all the way to tier 2.

    Amazing some of the people I have met on a free mobile game, found so many great friends with similar interests (but completely different opinions on champions, lol).

    I wonder who you could be referring to with this one...

    But yeah we’ve certainly achieved a lot together along with many others. Whilst we may not all be in the same alliance any more there’s a small group of us in a separate chat where we talk pretty much every day still about the game and other random stuff as well. It’s surprising how well this game can bring people together, but it’s all the better for it that’s for sure.
  • Troy_Elric123Troy_Elric123 Member Posts: 542 ★★★
    Dont judge me by my friends 😒😎
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Kinda backwards I got some of my irl friends playing and I’ve mentored them to where they are going strong with a couple solid r4s. They get way better pulls than me too, so I get a little salty (like my buddies first 6* was VtD and my 4 are RS HE WW2 GG). It’s all I good fun and we are better pals for it.
  • E_N_D__G_A_M_EE_N_D__G_A_M_E Member Posts: 98
    Me and another user were abusing each other and being steryotypical of each other for about one hour or so. but in the end, we ended up apoligising to each other and became friends. turned out that he was a person who went to my school, and we again, apologised in person and friended each other
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Just like my life out of this game it’s just Me, Myself and I
  • Reverend_RuckusReverend_Ruckus Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    I started playing this my Freshman year in 2015. I met 3 guys that year who also liked the game. We’ve all graduated together and moved on to college but the bond is still there
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    A few months ago, I was in an alliance and I had formed a bond with one of the members. He used to get bored at work so we had chats on Line about random stuff for hours.

    It was a good feeling, being so in touch with someone who's all the way across the world. I was having so much fun in the alliance!

    Until they inevitably kicked me out for not being "active enough". I still miss that alliance gosh darnit!
  • TheBestinTuakauTheBestinTuakau Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    Me and my 5 star venom the duck. Literally carried me through ALL of act 5 (little to no revives per quests)
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