Community Discussion: Friends within The Contest



  • Clobberin_TimeClobberin_Time Member Posts: 90
    Founding an alliance with buds is really some of the best stuff you can do in-game. Was nice to meet up with some at NYCC, especially.
  • Mainer123Mainer123 Member Posts: 543 ★★
    Meeting up with one of my alliance mates tonight for some beers Have made a lot of really good friends from our global alliance over the years
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,742 ★★★★★

    We have georgian alliance...a guy who is from india but lives in london and plays with us, started to learn georgian and he will visit us soon.

    There are doctor members who give health advices to others
    Police officers who help to solve some trouble.
    retailers who make discounts for other alliance players...damn thats lot more then just a game..

    We even gathered once money and bought a phone for a member

    That is really nice you guys to help out a member like that
  • jgrazjgraz Member Posts: 82
    My best friend was forcefully taken from me by Kabam a while ago. Supposedly he's at some kind of farm or something hanging out with others like him.
    I have a bad feeling that its more like a re-education camp or something.
    I miss him so much
  • GrieferMadnessGrieferMadness Member Posts: 109
    I started playing this game two years ago on the recommendation of two friends I had made in another game (SWFC), one of whom I actually met IRL. Unfortunately, they are both retired from MCOC now.

    My current alliance has another player who works in the same city as me, but I haven't offered to meet up yet, since he's kind of a bag.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    I honestly cannot definitively remember how I found MCoC (I THINK it was a FB Ad), but I know I'm not going anywhere because of the crew I've found over the last 3 years. A couple of our members have suffered some very real, VERY tragic blows in the last week. We all come together to provide support, and keep them steady in their darker hours. Members, Officers, it doesn't matter. They all are good people and stay on board for a reason. We work well together and we all know we can rely on one another.

    A year back, our old leader was pulling some dirty stunts. Also, was the single greatest drag on the group. He couldn't keep up time wise. He couldn't do right by his group. We kept making excuses for him solely because of his title and nothing more. Anyother member that did what he did wouldn't have lasted, and I'm not a fan of double standards,
    or being a hypocrite. So, after he crossed the line, the point of no return, I talked to each member individually on the side. We were lucky to have a member with another Alliance on cold storage with an equivalent war rating. Once the Season ended, we gave him 1 final chance to step down. He swung wild (online swinging as it were) and we just walked away. Together.

    Now, I'm the leader thanks to that member. Apparently they always viewed me as the leader despite the lack of the tag. I couldn't ask for a tighter knit group. I've had the greatest luck in locating some very talented, good natured, Marvel junkies. Our bonds can be found in game and outside it. The game laid the foundation for this group of 30 individuals to meet. We've found something amazing to keep us together, and hopefully someday, to meet in the real.

    The Loyalty displayed daily by this crew is just amazing. Sure, we have our moments when members disagree upon certain things, but never is it enough to drive anyone away. As I said to our old leader 'That's Trust and Loyalty that cannot be bought, it's earned.' This game provides more than just entertainment in that respect. It provides opportunities to meet people, and form friendships that wouldn't have happened otherwise. I've always said that's one of the major things that makes CoC something special. On that note, thank you Kabam for creating and maintaining this game.
  • YungTyylerYungTyyler Member Posts: 13
    So I joined my previous alliance about a year and a half ago. I was just kind of working my way up in there and growing my account, and I just connected with a few guys in there really well. One guy in particular I clicked with really well and he ended up driving through my town with his family for a vacation so he asked if I wanted to meet for lunch. It was really good and him and I were both promoted recently to the bigger, badder parent alliance. Its been a journey!
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    When I downloaded the game my best friend, my other BFF and 2 other friends downloaded the game. The other 3 guys are now gone and it’s my bff who have gone through 4 alliances together. We’re still going strong and have met a lot of folks throughout the years. The best ones are a group of 3 others (2 guys and 1 lady) we share a group chat and talk about everything. The game, life and even planning to meet in California for Halloween horror this year.
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    My IRL friends and I have made a couple really great friends through the game over the years. Some of them let the game ages ago but they were the nicest people. Shout out to Morgan! Lol
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  • GeneralBlaggerGeneralBlagger Member Posts: 22
    I think I started playing about 2 years ago, joined an Aussie alliance after a bit, then was invited by a couple of members there to a different ally. Turns out those two not only also live in Melbourne, but the same suburb!

    I’ve been in that alliance for over a year now, met them both at my fav cafe (they happen to live around the corner from it!), spoken to a couple of others over Line, became friends with a guy from Poland, all in all have met great people and made some good friends.

    Oh, and those two made me an ally officer over my objections LOL
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★
    I am very big fan of wolverine i hope to see more xmen characters in the future mcoc updates
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★
    I had a lvl 60 friend who helped me with tips until he took the decision to retire from the game
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Thank you to everyone who contributed to this. It has been so refreshing and nice to go back and read. We're glad to hear about the friends you've made and the time you've had with them-- continued and continuing.
  • Utkarsh_26Utkarsh_26 Member Posts: 35
    I did not make any friends but family.
  • Archdemon_Archdemon_ Member Posts: 654 ★★
    Made several people I now consider as friends through alliances, both in my home country and further away too!
    I'd 100% meet up with any of them should I be travelling locally or them come near me etc.

    One guy I met through an alliance and I have regular 45 minute+ phone conversations... I don't even talk to family for that long!
  • CyberBishopCyberBishop Member Posts: 7
    I started about 3 years ago and knew absolutely zero about the game. I joined an alliance that was pretty much dead and because of my lack of knowledge I didn't think anything of it. After about a year I went to another alliance that was pretty abusive so I left then joined my third where I stayed for about a year and a half and things were great until some pushy people started getting involved so I left and joined the alliance I am in now where I got promoted to leader. We have our ups and downs of course but most of us seem pretty friendly toward one another. I recently got my wife to start playing and while she isn't as hard core as I am she is learning. The only other person I know that plays is a waiter at our favorite Pho restaurant.
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