Kabam missed the mark on Carnage
Honestly his rework feels very lazy. It's just an improved version of how he used to play. I'm surprised nobody has discussed how many abilities they missed on him. First of all, carnage has an insanely powerful healing factor, preventing him from death even from the most brutal injuries. Secondly, Spiderman cannot use spidey sense Carnage so he should've had some sort of true strike or evade counter. Lastly, he should be bleed immune as can manipulate the matter of his body. I don't understand why he didn't get these abilities.
He is a really nice champion, and the rework made him much more powerful than he previously was.
Carnage just didn't needed that much for a rework. His stats got increased, some abilities changed, others were added. And that's pretty much a rework by itself, not different from other reworks
You also argue that carnage isn't suicides friendly. That covers a lot of champs in the game. Void is a great champ but to get the most from him you need to continuously throw special 1 and that destroys him with suicides. Suicides are so named because they force you to use a playstyle that can kill you.
Carnage is a lot better after the rework and has his uses in the game. For every venom and colossus rework you will get a couple of juggernaut and rhinos. If I was going to get upset about a champ not living up to their comic book character I'd start with rhino juggs and sentry who all have the strength of an infant.
Carnage is above and beyond better than what he was when he was released.
I mean they could have made the time it takes to mutate longer with consecutive buffs, or make the time shorter with higher sig level...
Or let his buffs be carried over to the next fight...
He’s just... sad...