I would recommend removing 5/5 in limber and max out petrify. The extra .5 seconds on parries is very valuable. I would also only run 1/9 in the greater vitality. Put those points on offense when you can. Max out precision and cruelty. Lastly, you already have the defensive stuff unlocked for suicides, so you could start moving that direction offensively if you so desired.
Yes. 3/3 in stupefy gives you enough to parry-medium-heavy and makes it less rushed trying to hit them after they are stunned. It also gives you more parries when the defender is on the limber node.
You can also get rid of Fury's, XP's, and Gold. And lower both Greater Strength and Greater Vitality do to 1 each.
Until you can fully unlock the Greater Precision (to 4 of 5 at least) and Greater Cruelty (full 5 of 5) to put those points in there, you may at least want to get more of the lesser versions of Cruelty/Precision. But focus on unlocking those greater versions ASAP (and then drop the Lesser ones back to 1 at that time).
I would also only run 1/9 in the greater vitality. Put those points on offense when you can. Max out precision and cruelty.
Lastly, you already have the defensive stuff unlocked for suicides, so you could start moving that direction offensively if you so desired.
Until you can fully unlock the Greater Precision (to 4 of 5 at least) and Greater Cruelty (full 5 of 5) to put those points in there, you may at least want to get more of the lesser versions of Cruelty/Precision. But focus on unlocking those greater versions ASAP (and then drop the Lesser ones back to 1 at that time).