Even in a simple gifting event, botters cheaters earn ridiciolus amounts of units in their side accounts and manipulate the system. Can you imagine what might have happened if they've activated some kind of trading system?
This is only one small example of the disaster it could cause
Wow, a lot of ppl here must not have enjoyed the marvel "What If..." series. The OP never once says they want trading in the game. This is simply a post asking If it was how far would u go. Would u trade 20 5* champs for aegon or ghost knowing u will be losing out on shards from dupes? The OP is just asking what ppl would do IF it was allowed. There's no reason to bring up what is bad about the concept of trading in game since that's not the question posed. It's just a harmless thread to get peoples thoughts.
This is only one small example of the disaster it could cause