Why can’t Kabam just let Dungeons run perpetually, why only end of the month?

It’s not like the odds of getting a useful champ is more compared to the usual crystals. There’s more garbage champs than good champs in the dungeon crystals. So what gives? Why this only end of the month deal?
@raffster they don’t want people accumulating five stars too fast that’s why, even if they are bad ones. Which is a bummer because I really enjoy dungeons
People complained about it, that it took so much of their time. Plus, it was a daily thing, instead of the current 3 days till the next one.
If you will ask me then i will say when you take your best 3 5 star xhampions in dougneon 4 hoping get it cleared within a period of time and then you get a person ,who is not even conquerer, in matchmaking. This thing makes me feel very very very angry.
So lets see how that turns out. Maybe they will do them all month. Who knows?
Doesnt make sense to discuss that topic bc it will change amyway imo