3 looking for alliance

Hello all,
I have 3 including myself looking for silver or better alliance that is well orgainized.
We have no experience with line or other apps but are willing to learn if someone doesn't mind showing us the ropes.
We are not intrested in officer positions, we just want to play and be a part of a group where people show up and can complete thier lines.
Thank you for your considerations

I have 3 including myself looking for silver or better alliance that is well orgainized.
We have no experience with line or other apps but are willing to learn if someone doesn't mind showing us the ropes.
We are not intrested in officer positions, we just want to play and be a part of a group where people show up and can complete thier lines.
Thank you for your considerations

Here is my alliance, feel free to message if you have any questions. I will find 4 spots for all of you
If you're still looking, we run 554 for AQ all week long, finishing with 150m minimum. We run 3 groups of AW with 2 bgs alternating so everyone has a break between war matches for questing and whatnot. SA is typically 550k every week. Always hit the rank milestone rewards for 3day events. My ign is tidusx2jr and line app is the same if you're interested.
if you're still looking consider joining us... we are always looking to add new members to our roster looking to continue climbing the ladder in aw...look me up in game at renkage or message me in line @ wolfeblut
Ally tag - DNIYM
IGN - SundayRed85
Line ID - same as IGN