Am I the only one always lacking in t1 alfa?
I play t2 wars and aq6/7 each week and I really have a hard time collecting those alfa ones.
Isn't there a way to make them more available for players? We can't do aq3 to catch alfa ones -.-
hoping a Kabam response.
I play t2 wars and aq6/7 each week and I really have a hard time collecting those alfa ones.
Isn't there a way to make them more available for players? We can't do aq3 to catch alfa ones -.-
hoping a Kabam response.
You get 3 a week from t1a arena.. multiple ones from alliance events.. and then i think you can get a total of 10 from glory every 7 days.. so no.. there is no T1A problem.. it might be that you are ranking champs more often than your resources allow.. I find Ranking only during lvl up event and usually try to match it with the class advancement as well works out pretty well..
Buying ten T1 alpha from the glory store all at once currently costs 3550 glory (it costs much less if you spread out the purchases due to the cost ramp up in the glory store). That should be peanuts for a Map 6/7 alliance. But also, I don't think most players can sustain burning ten T1A per week, every week. So almost no one should even need to buy that many.
Dr. Zola
On mondays for the sigil solo goal I’ll “rank up” one or two champs. Get the goal done fast and easy. Then wait for the level up solo goal to add levels to those champs. That way I’m not “double dipping” on the resource funds.
But just back off, give it a few days.
Every 3 days you should be getting 1 in 3-day alliance events.
Depending on weekly SA scores, there's 1-2 there
There is 3 in the T1a arena every 8 days.
Weekly you can now get (I believe) 2 from the "subscription black market iso store"
Then combine it with glory store pickups, and potential side events and EQ there should be plenty.
If there were more sources of T1A, then you would run into bottlenecks other places and T1A would expire in your stash.
As mentioned above the real issue is the limit to how many you can have.
If I had to bet, I would say that the T1A costs to rank 5* champs, at least for rank 2 and rank 3, don't really make sense given the current progression between 4*, 5*, and 6* champs even for the devs anymore. But those costs have a lot of inertia behind them, and any dev that wants to crack that one open gets to contemplate all the players who will complain about needing "compensation" if they change those costs after they've ranked up a lot of 5* champs already.
In February 2019 they seem to be updated to this:
I think the latest update was in November 2019, so that would mean the last time T1A prices were updated was two updates ago in February 2019, unless I've skipped a major pricing update somewhere.
Dr. Zola
I actually love getting new 3*’s (Mojo, e.g.) because they mean a resource-cheap way to hit the revive/units for Level Up.
It does hurt to take a pair of 5*’s to just R2 and drop 10 T1a, or 20 if you want them both at R3.
Dr. Zola