Wild Idea: Artifacts

MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
edited March 2020 in Suggestions and Requests
So this may be a bad idea but I think it could be cool if artifacts where added to the game.

These could be obtained from completing certain quest, objectives, or a rare reward for defeating certain opponents.

Artifacts could include:
Cosmic Cube: chance from defeating red skull

Infinity Stones: Post Act 4 stuff

ISO-Sphere: Completing Act 6

Kang’s Time Chair: Completing Act 1

What they do:
I can think of two main possibilities for what “Artifacts” could do.

1. There could be a trophy room where Artifacts are displayed, as trophies and symbols of your accomplishments. In other words, just for looking at.

2. You can activate them for special effects and bonuses. After using one it’d go into cool down for a time.

Example Time Stone or Kangs Chair: fast forwards time X minutes. This reduces recharge time for champions in arena by X minutes and recharges your energy by X minutes.

What do you all think? To outside the norm of the game? Suggestions?


  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    Now it posts
  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★
    WOW! I LOVE this !dea....
    Hope @Kabam Miike Considers this suggestion
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    Yeah, it could be a cool alternative to “gear” in other games like this. Glad you like the idea!
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    edited March 2020
    There could also be artifacts that benefit certain classes.


    The Black Vortex
    could provide Benefits to cosmic class champions.
    It could be a permanent bonus like a mastery, something like +30% base attack and health or +20% special damage. Alternatively it could be something you could activate (with cool down) and provides benefit for a certain amount of time, like boosts.

    Book of the Vishanti
    Provides benefits to mystic class champions.
    I.e. when activated mystic champions have 50% increased power gain and their buffs last 2 seconds longer.

    Shi'ar Tech
    Provides benefits for tech champions
    I.e when active all tech champions’ abilities activate 100% more often
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    Anyone got ideas for mutant, science and skill artifacts?
  • Lucifer1810Lucifer1810 Member Posts: 366 ★★★
    edited March 2020
    Sounds interesting and would certainly be a fun addition to the game.
  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    edited March 2020

    Other Ideas

    Artifact Abilities

    Temporary x2 XP boost
    Temporary x2 Gold
    Recharge champion(s) in arena
    Heal champions
    Revive one champion
    For next 10min your champions start with 1 bar power.
    For the next hour energy cost is zero

    Artifacts from Marvel History

    The Darkhold (dark spell book)
    Cosmic Cube
    Ultimate Nullifier
    The Crimson Gem of Cyttorak (Juggernaut)
    The Staff of One
    Eye of Agamotto
    The Mandren’s Ten Rings (this would be cool for a event based on the coming movie)
    All Black the necrosword
    Casket of Ancient Winters
    Heart of the Universe (Reward for Act 6 or legend? Maybe collect parts to form)

    Other Artifacts
    Branch of Yiggrasil
    Scrap of Celestial Armor
    Arc Reactor
    Symbiote Sample
    Teragen Gas (Inhumans)
  • DarkQuakeDarkQuake Member Posts: 75
    This would make the game so much more interesting and more to play for. I like this idea. Would be really nice if kabam added it.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    It would lead to a worse situation. It is complicated enough now with all interactions to check between buffs and debuffs, and moreover with masteries.
    By the way, at least Inequity is still bugued, for years now and still no date for a fix.
  • Urkel2Urkel2 Member Posts: 371 ★★
    Minvis said:

    There could also be artifacts that benefit certain classes.


    The Black Vortex
    could provide Benefits to cosmic class champions.
    It could be a permanent bonus like a mastery, something like +30% base attack and health or +20% special damage. Alternatively it could be something you could activate (with cool down) and provides benefit for a certain amount of time, like boosts.

    Book of the Vishanti
    Provides benefits to mystic class champions.
    I.e. when activated mystic champions have 50% increased power gain and their buffs last 2 seconds longer.

    Shi'ar Tech
    Provides benefits for tech champions
    I.e when active all tech champions’ abilities activate 100% more often

    Sounds like the exact opposite of the mystic dispersion nerf
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