Legends title not fair for all players

Only top 100 players with the best time that completes Monthly Event Quest within the first 2 weeks of Quest release will get the Legendary Title. Kabam should eliminate those players that already have such Legends Title from the competition and create something just for them. Allowing all top 100 spots to others that don’t have the Title. These Legend Title player at this point in the game are at a level where they are no even playing constant because thaw have done it all. While others are constantly spending money and keep playing to get better items to compete for these events. Legacy a famous player and one of the best even said in his YouTube channel that “I am at this point in the game that I have to wait for Kabam to release new things and unlock the rest of act6 for me to keep going” he has done it all. And it’s players like him that are at such level they not even spend money anymore to get better, instead they go every month to the new quest to keep challenging them self and get the stupid 25 points to keep adding to their experience points among themselves. Not fair for all other players. It is selfish players that keep repeating such act that are turning this game boring
Now that I primarily play on an ipad, the badge has basically lost any value it previously had. Before, getting into a good alliance was basically impossible without one but now no one really cares.
Just curious as to why you're even concerned with it
No real reason for this post. Just reminiscing and thinking about the OP's assertion of "Fair" in terms of the legends title. I'm in the same boat as @Worknprogress . The legends tag used to be more meaningful, but it has lost a lot of the impact it once had. I'd say the legends system lost all of its luster once Corvus was added to the game. Before that time, there was no "best" champ for such a task.
They should bring back Legends titles for fastest initial clear of Celebrity Challenges. Those were fun.
If you really want one, more power to you and I hope you eventually manage it. I'm not knocking you for it. I was honestly just curious why people even care anymore.
The only thing I’d like them to change is the titles you get from AW seasons to be permanent
40+ energy refills
2-3 hours of free time of straight playing.
A newer iPhone.
Big boosts.
Probably some Pots.
Anyone that has these resources has a great chance at getting the title. If you could only get it once then at some point time won't matter because everyone would have it. At that point it loses all meaning.
Go earn it and stop.looking for excuses for it to be just given to you.
Soon enough, I’ll be able to spend refills to auto play on one of my alts and get the title as well.
"Waaaaaah. Waah. Waaah, waaah waaah.
They're fun to get, sure but the true mark of a legend is how you play.
On the other hand, if titles are everything to true gamers, then I win.
(Sorry for this long comment, didn't plan on sharing this much.)
Now, I've also thought about this for awhile too & definitely agree with OP @Al180. It doesn't sound like he's, crying wah, asking for a "participation trophy" or for it to be easy, or not need to strategically manage time & resources. Yet to say u have to buy the newest phone IPhone is ridiculous for so many reasons. (Which has disqualified many in the past bc of $$$)
What I hear him saying is give allies that aren't already LEGENDS a competitive but realistic shot by competing against those who aren't ALREADY Legends. Here's just a few reasons:
1) Most Legends are so far ahead in their progression & rosters, they have a huge head start. (6* R3 Corvus vs 5* R5 CG) There's an enormous gap which is extremely difficult to catch up with RUps. Legends are in Top Alliances (which alot usually are & Non-Legends usually aren't bc they don't meet those Requirements) that get better rewards & resources so they'll always stay a mile ahead.
2) If Legends Titles are truly about skill, knowledge, experience, etc. Then it shouldn't mainly be based on $$$, which phone u have, luck pulling "the newest" specific champs = RNG &/or when u started playing MCOC bc they will always maintain that advantage. (If the Legend doesn't slow down to let others catch up. Lol)
3) Lets be honest there's usually only 1-2 specific champs that are key to a Legends run besides skill, etc. (SLord, Blade, Domino, etc,...now Corvus for awhile). Kabam even said he was designed as ultimate Legends run champ in mind. (For now. lol) So, it's hugely based on RNG/Luck pulling that champ before others & having Resources to RUp as high & soon as possible. (Some Legends pulled those champs before others did, so they just got lucky or spent $$$) So again, not based on skill.
So are ALL Legends the best or most skilled summoners???,...not necessarily. Because of those reasons plus many others I didn't mention. It doesn't sound unreasonable or hard for Kabam to exclude existing "Legends" from new content they make eligible. Can easiky still reward them pts for being the Top 100 for the Legends Leaderboard.
It gives Non-Legends a more fair but still competitive playing. (Still not perfect system) So, they'll still have to compete to "earn" their Legends title.
For instance, there's many reason why we have different AWar Tiers/Maps,..one being Matchmaking balance. In a competitive game mode, it levels the playing field so Tier 12 isn't getting destroyed by a Platinum alliance. Don't think anyone would disagree with that, we've all had them in past. (Still isn't perfect, but better than before)
Ultimately this is all assuming u value & desire a Legends title or as a Legend u don't want others to become one or don't care. Now, if u don't care or want it,...then why bother taking time commenting on this post. (Unless u secretly do care. Lol)
Btw, many Legends that are currently in the Top 100 alone still do go for Legends runs,...so a couple buff'd up arguments are nullified. Lol
@Demonzfyre @xNig @DabNation1
Its a competition with rewards. Anyone that plays this game can compete. Stop looking for short cuts.
Chess is about skill, knowledge, and experience. And yet if you're going to become one of the top chess players in the world, going the "free to play" route is going to leave you at a horrible disadvantage. Unless you're incredibly lucky the players who have spent huge amounts of time, resources, and money will have an enormous advantage over you. I should say those who have had huge amounts of time, resources, and money spent on them because unless you start long before you could possibly have any of those things, you'll also be too old to have any reasonable chance.
We don't say that the people who spend more on their chess careers have an unfair advantage. That's a *fair advantage* because that's reality: those who expend more resources to get better in a competition tend to get better in that competition, and we encourage that, we don't try to factor it out. Even in a sport like professional football, where the NFL places strict salary cap limits on how much *teams* can spend on salary, there are no limits on how much *players* can spend on their own professional development.
Competitions are never designed to be "fair" they are designed to be fair enough, within a set of parameters. But they generally do not exclude people from spending more resources to become better competitors. Everything from ping pong to marathon running gives enormous advantages to those willing to spend more resources to become better competitors. Like it or not, spending, grinding, and RNG rewards are all considered fair compensation and progressional elements of MCOC. Because they are fair, players who avail themselves of those things progress at fair rates. And thus it is completely fair for players to compete with each other in the game. To say that people who spend or get lucky are somehow not fair competitors breaks the whole idea of the game. It would fall apart completely if players who spent or got lucky were in any way penalized or excluded from activities because of that spending or lucky pulling.
Maybe handing out a participation title to everyone will ease their whining!