Boss Rush, but wait, something different...

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel that it's a bit unfair that there's only one level of Boss Rush? Like, sure alla y'all endgame players who've skipped and danced through Acts 5 and 6 and who frolic through UC difficulties month-in-month-out get to do it. But what about the lesser players who're still fighting to get to Uncollected, or who are only Conqueror or Proven or even lower? What do we lesser mortals get? sweet fanny adams, that's what. I know, I know, "git gud" or "not all content is for all players", but when they make something special for IWD like this, it's rather pants that only one chunk of the player base gets catered to.
I just feel like there ought to be a top tier BR for 10k 5* shards and stuff for the endgame players and then maybe a couple easier levels, say one worth 5k 5* shards or 4k 4* shards for the middle levels and one worth 4k 3* shards for the lowest levels.
I just feel like there ought to be a top tier BR for 10k 5* shards and stuff for the endgame players and then maybe a couple easier levels, say one worth 5k 5* shards or 4k 4* shards for the middle levels and one worth 4k 3* shards for the lowest levels.
Plus, players have clearly shown that it's doable with 4* because it was made for Uncollected level players, which I'm sure is a good portion of the players playing this game.
It is all about progress.
Think of it as something to aspire to. I had the same reaction as you when they came out with the variants, because the difficulty levels are either stupid easy or extremely challenging. No in between. But now, after playing for two years, I can tackle the variants, although not easily.
You'll get there.
That all said, I've enjoyed reviewing the boss rush nodes and setups .. watching the youtubers showing how to tackle them and such .. it helps my game play by learning "dirty little tricks" here and there
And yes, sometime later in the month, I probably will actually "try" a few fights on boss rush to see how I do and test myself ... but I won't hold my breath on having any chance to complete it!!!
*Most* of the content in the game does have progression tiers. The boss rush and events like it are the very few non-permanent content that doesn't. That's intentional: it serves a purpose that laddered content doesn't, in being deliberately all or nothing.
The rewards are not spectacular because they aren't supposed to be. Most of the fun in doing it is supposed to be in completing it, not basking in the enormous rewards contained in it. That means players who haven't progressed enough to be able to tackle it aren't missing much if they can't do it. They don't have to pressure themselves into spending tons of units just to get over it. They can try it, see they can't do it, and then skip it and wait for the next one. You get way more rewards from normal progressional content, which means focusing on those will allow you to close the gap on the difficulty of content like this.
Also, the mid game roster and skills has act 5 and Master difficulty. Act 5 is too hard for most, and master difficulty can get boring to grind out constantly to “gain skill”. It’s just those few things like boss rushes that make the game more fun. Oh, and we get objectives, while you guys get a new challenge. I’m not even at level 40 yet, so I can’t even try. I feel like it’s kinda weird how most of this community who are endgamers don’t like new people getting rewards. If I introduce one of my friends to this game, and one of them gets a four star really quickly, I would be happy about them being able to catch up to my roster level so that we could discuss our thoughts on new content. I don’t get people who say “we had it harder, they should to.” It’s kinda stupid. I get not having a variant difficulty, but I play a lot of other games too and watch all you tubers and look at the comments, and they are always trying to help people progress and have fun. I’m getting bored of this game, but I still have hope in Kabam to give the mid game players a new challenge that would be fun for them to experience. Maybe to prevent end gamers from getting extra rewards, they could lock each one to only specific star ratings/ranks. I would even be fine with not getting rewards for it, just as a challenge in this game.
Most of the game is actually more appropriate to the mid tiers than anything else. That's actually a fundamental design rule that virtually all games as a service obey. The focus is on the middle. They keep accelerating beginners to get them to the middle, and they deliberately slow down the end gamers so they can't accelerate too far ahead of the middle. The middle is where most of the action is.
The Boss Rush itself is not end game content. It is intended to be extremely challenging for mid-tier players at or about to become Uncollected. When people say that things like the Boss Rush aren't meant for "middle" tier players, what they generally mean is that it is too hard for middle tier players. But that's on purpose: what you see as "too hard" the game devs see as "extremely challenging."
I can tell you that when I was involved with the Boss Rush last year, I specifically asked what target I should be designing for. What I was told was that the content I designed should be very challenging for players with well-developed 4* rosters. That's the target for the Boss Rushes: 5/50s. Does that mean everyone with 5/50s should be able to do it? No. That means it should be very challenging for that category of player, which means many of them will fail. But some percentage will succeed.
I think of the Boss Rush like honors or AP high school classes. They are obviously intended for high school students not college students or graduate students. But that doesn't mean all high school students can pass that class. It is intended for high school students, but intended to be very difficult for most of them by design. When someone looks at those classes, they could say they aren't fair, that they are clearly intended for college graduates because only college graduates could hope to be able to do the work at a reasonable level of effort. But that misses the point of those classes.
I am not trying to come off as annoying of dumb, I’m trying to have a discussion about the state of the game.
As to Act 5.1.1, that's the Flare map. You have to think about what that node does; it isn't just about practicing your way past it. I used Rogue on that map. Rogue's SP1 health steal scales with her damage, so instead of recovering about 5% of her health per SP1 she's going to be grabbing more like 20% health per SP1; more if she crits.
You can also use other reliable healers, especially if they have class advantage in that fight. But you can't completely eliminate the degeneration damage, so you have to deal with it somehow. That requires a combination of good play and selecting the best champs for the paths you take.
In general, Act 5 is as much about finding the right strategy and roster selection to deal with the nodes as it is practicing how to fight against them. I don't see how a training room would help players do better in Act 5.1.1, when Act 5.1.1 itself is a pretty good training room for that purpose. It might be difficult for players that just finished Act 4, but it isn't so much more difficult that there needs to be a wedge between Act 4 and Act 5.1 Act 5.1 itself serves as a good way to get better at Act 5.1.