I NEED YOUR HELP R4 Sunspot or Domino both unawakened

JinøraJinøra Member Posts: 94
R4 Sunspot or Domino both unawakened

I NEED YOUR HELP R4 Sunspot or Domino both unawakened 29 votes

AjisdopeGandalf_x4AleorXguard77shield456 5 votes
MagicBentonNanoDroidOesername123ThatGuyYouSaw235Oswaldo72383GluteusMaximusToj37Ingi_Freyr1975Charlie_SceneJridenhour_3TankRichardsonMr.0-8-4TimeGenesisNarwhal52xTheBestinTuakauMauledInjustthekingslay3rSwarmOfRavensIbby 24 votes


  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,106 ★★★★★
    Unless you're running full trinity, domino isn't that great. I actually have her as r5, and would take sunspot instead for any fight - he has similar damage output, if not higher, immunities and doesn't need any synergy.
  • Toj37Toj37 Member Posts: 68
    Domino is a beast without synergies and unawakened. There is a reason this vote is a landslide
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 963 ★★★
    Don't sleep on Sunspot...
  • TheBestinTuakauTheBestinTuakau Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    Aleor said:

    Unless you're running full trinity, domino isn't that great. I actually have her as r5, and would take sunspot instead for any fight - he has similar damage output, if not higher, immunities and doesn't need any synergy.

    Domino doesn't need syngeries. I run her at r4 in act 6 and she does amazingly
  • H_I_ZH_I_Z Member Posts: 496 ★★
    she's an absolute beast, as a maxed our four star she carries me through most of my content, including 5.1 and master and epic side quests
  • JinøraJinøra Member Posts: 94
    Hmmm thanks everyone for the help!
    I think I'm gonna go with the popular vote and rank up my Domino for now
    Thanks for all the help ♥
  • H_I_ZH_I_Z Member Posts: 496 ★★
    nice, I approve buddy
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 491 ★★★
    While I voted for Domino, I'd be careless if I didn't point out that Sunspot is an amazing champ who deserves to be maxed out asap. I have a 5 star fully maxed out (30 Sig) and the guy hits like a freight train! I dare say he's one of the strongest hitting champs (if not the strongest) if you use his rotation properly.
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