Exclude LEGENDS from FUTURE Top 100 Runs???



  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Other: Different Legends System
    It would be nice to have a title for Andoid users. Because, we all know that it's impossible to come close to Ios, and, I won't buy an Iphone just to get a title.

    As for your post, I don't care if someone have 30 Legend title.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    No, Legends times shoul be INCLUDED.

    It would be nice to have a title for Andoid users. Because, we all know that it's impossible to come close to Ios, and, I won't buy an Iphone just to get a title.

    As for your post, I don't care if someone have 30 Legend title.

    Android users have a chance for longer legend runs Eg A6, where loading time is comparatively less in terms of % as average fight time.

  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    Werewrym said:

    I had an idea where legends runs were actually skill based... Then I woke up. Even though the title is cool they represent exactly nothing to do with a player being legendary which makes them shiny pieces of garbage.

    Everything you've ever accomplished can be described in precisely the same way.

    The legend title is awarded to the players who complete the in-game task quickest. It isn't awarded to the "best" or "most legendary" player, as if those things describe anything at all. They're awarded to the players who win that particular challenge, no more, no less.

    Anyone who says the titles are meaningless because they aren't awarded to the "most skilled" players doesn't understand the concept of competition, or has ever witnessed human competition on Earth. We don't award Olympic medals to the "best" athletes, we award them to the athletes that win. If the point was to give awards to the best people at everything we wouldn't need competitions. We could just decide who was the best and give them a prize.

    The best doesn't always win. Competitions are not about who's best, they are about who wins. The Legend titles and rewards are a competition, and are awarded to the players that win. In MCOC you complete that content the fastest by playing fast, by using the fastest champions in your roster, by optimizing your strategy, and yes, by squeezing every last second out of your device and internet connection.
    You’re going to have to give explicit examples of this because it seems like an insult to athletes who ARE the “best” and DO win.

    Although competition awards those who win (obviously), the people that win tend to be the people who are the best at that competition aka, the most skilled. I’m not saying it’s always the case but it is, in general, a true statement.

    I know it is possible to have a more skill based legends title and that is what I want to see happen in this game. The current method of awarding legends titles is not a very developed method for awarding skilled players.

  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    @xNig what are you talking about? I said that players with 1-2 even 3 r3 6* can run through easy content faster than others because the fights are really short. That mole man event they will get the top 100 and top 5
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    No, Legends times shoul be INCLUDED.
    Yes but that’s not a result of having rank in multiple EQ legend runs, which was the point you were making.
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