Exclude LEGENDS from FUTURE Top 100 Runs???

Should current Legends times be excluded from future Top 100 Runs which might level the competitive playing field? (Yet, still receive points towards the Legends Leaderboard)
Exclude LEGENDS from FUTURE Top 100 Runs??? 118 votes
"Yes, Legends times should be EXCLUDED"
No, Legends times should still be INCLUDED"
Ur all smart, sure u can figure it out :-)
The legend title is awarded to the players who complete the in-game task quickest. It isn't awarded to the "best" or "most legendary" player, as if those things describe anything at all. They're awarded to the players who win that particular challenge, no more, no less.
Anyone who says the titles are meaningless because they aren't awarded to the "most skilled" players doesn't understand the concept of competition, or has ever witnessed human competition on Earth. We don't award Olympic medals to the "best" athletes, we award them to the athletes that win. If the point was to give awards to the best people at everything we wouldn't need competitions. We could just decide who was the best and give them a prize.
The best doesn't always win. Competitions are not about who's best, they are about who wins. The Legend titles and rewards are a competition, and are awarded to the players that win. In MCOC you complete that content the fastest by playing fast, by using the fastest champions in your roster, by optimizing your strategy, and yes, by squeezing every last second out of your device and internet connection.
That tells me that even when legends runs include heroic difficulty that doesn't mean it is a non-trivial part of the competition, or that there's no way for a smarter player to gain an advantage. And smarter is just as worthy of being rewarded as quicker fingers. If the Legends runs included Master and UC rather than Heroic and Master, that wouldn't make them "better" (or worse) just different. Legends runs would be rewarding slightly different things. But being the fastest at M+UC is not automatically better than being fastest at H+M. Just different.
I would never go for any legends thing, it’s just my opinion on how it should be.
This basically is trying to turn the legend title into a participation trophy. The other titles are already the participation trophies for completing the content.