At some point, you're so slow the calendar takes over and forces you forward to at least some minimum advancement level. That's actually the game design function of the calendar: among other things, it acts to create a reward earning rate "floor." Below that, as long as you actually log in at all, you can't advance any slower than that. Is it fair that someone who literally does nothing at all except log in can still get basically pushed in the back and sent forward? In this case, yes, because it is in the best interests of the game to accelerate players that far behind enough to get them to at least some minimum progress point. That "free" progress doesn't in any way help them to overtake the higher tier players, even though in some sense their reward per unit effort is essentially infinite.
Damn, that was a nice read. Thank you for backing up your point with evidence and using a clear and concise line of reasoning! Trust me when I say that it was really nice talking to you! Thank you for trying to explain why...unlike some people . It was a pleasure.
So why are they doing something that can be seen as "unfair" when they seem to believe in "fairness"?
That's a silly question. I believe in fairness, and I would most likely do what Kabam is doing now. So the answer to your question of why would I do something that "can be seen as unfair" when I claim to believe in fairness is: I believe in doing what's fair more than I believe in doing what everyone will perceive as being fair.
I can't control what people think is fair, and no two people agree what's fair. So I would do what I believe to be fair whether any one person thinks it is fair or not.
This is not even a hypothetical statement, as I've had to make this kind of decision more times than I can count.
Fairness is exactly the reason they add Rewards after time. The entire Meta has shifted, and it's necessary for people starting out. Not only that, people who have done it much longer ago literally have no need for the updated Rewards.
Fairness is exactly the reason they add Rewards after time. The entire Meta has shifted, and it's necessary for people starting out. Not only that, people who have done it much longer ago literally have no need for the updated Rewards.
So if they're not needed, why not just give them out? It's not gonna create a huge impact anyway, so it's just a little added bonus.
I can't control what people think is fair, and no two people agree what's fair. So I would do what I believe to be fair whether any one person thinks it is fair or not.
This is not even a hypothetical statement, as I've had to make this kind of decision more times than I can count.