@G2DK Compensation is given because people can't grind as much as they like. There are people who came out from work to grind in the free time and they will not be able to get that time back
@Kabam Miike Thanks for letting us know but if possible, a little compensation would be nice. People can do a lot of grinding in that time
Well, since everyone had the same issue, then everyone got off to a late start. Don’t see a reason to compensate anyone for anything. Smh
Because of my work, I can only play half-hour after arenas start, then again at night and the following morning. Just three times a day. I've missed burning energy of my 6* champions and the cool down is extremely long as you know, so I have a real reason. Am not looking a compensation, but is unfair think that all players have the same opportunities if an event starts later than scheduled
Just for clarification on the Kabam Offices; it is Monday at 10:13am in Vancouver BC; if the offices are closed and someone has to “manually” start arena, then they have regressed to a point I never thought possible.
It was likely a bug. Arenas usually start automatically. In which case, someone has to manually fix it. I doubt they're closed.
@Kabam Miike I see the three stars and both Four stars up. Thanks for working on it promptly. I still do think a little compensation like some crystal shards might be warranted. Yes you had a quick turn around but the arena grinders who took their lunch break at 1 to specifically get grinding time in lost about half hour or more. Yes mistakes do happen but you are trying to create a good positive gaming experience for all. Also, can you please confirm there are no special offers today??