Who should I rank 5

Who should I rank 5 16 votes

Guillotine 2099
DrDeadpoolMiStaLovaKing_Leo321H_I_Z 4 votes
Omega red
JarekSw0rdMasterJohnLocke117EvangelionlovrSDPDisgruntled_User_123007md92ZeezoosBeardedBustaAomine_Daiki10LeoZed22piløts 12 votes


  • EvangelionlovrEvangelionlovr Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Omega red
    If you couldn't tell I'm a huge Omega Fanboy, but that isn't even why I chose him. The guy just does it all. He is the answer for so many pain in the ass nodes and enemies. Korg becomes your ****, any bleed/biohazard path becomes a joke, suicides turn him into an absolute monster but the guy will melt any non-robot he comes in contact with regardless. I have never once regretted R5 this monster. (PS Powerdrain on SP3 is insane, and his regeneration is one of the best in the game).
  • H_I_ZH_I_Z Member Posts: 496 ★★
    Guillotine 2099
    I'm a huge fan of guillotine 2099, she is a really solid cham and great for long fights,but omega red is also great and has utilities, but guillotin is bleed immune. its up to you, but i'll be a bit dissapointed if you don't take Guilly
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