War Season Grand Finals?

Master rank 1 war alliance here. Based on the adjusted war leaderboard that Kabam Miike posted yesterday, rank 2 in alliance war seasons is only 80k behind us in season points. Seeing as we are undefeated thus far, and a tier 1 war victory is worth 400k season points, that must mean rank 2 alliance is also undefeated, otherwise they would be more than 400k points behind.
Only two wars left in season, is the matchmaking algorithm planning on matching us or not? Because it would be pretty lame if the final rankings has two undefeated alliances at the top who were fortunate enough to never match each other.
Only two wars left in season, is the matchmaking algorithm planning on matching us or not? Because it would be pretty lame if the final rankings has two undefeated alliances at the top who were fortunate enough to never match each other.
War matchmaking is so screwed up right now. There is no way the number 2 ranked alliance in season is better at war than most of the teams in platinum as most of the members still have rank 4s in their profile.
See page 2 of this post here when I detailed the top 50 alliances of each tier and how messed up it is.
The more I think about this, the more I think even war rating matches won't satisfy people. The assumption is simply too ingrained in people that matches should occur between alliances of similar placement in the brackets, not on their actual win/loss record. Only tournament-style match systems work that way.
I'm setting aside the question of whether any particular alliance reached their rating fairly. No one can separate that issue from match system issues, which are fundamentally different. At this point I'm wondering if the kind of system everyone claims to want would actually do what they think it would. Because it wouldn't: rating based match systems are not guaranteed to match #1 against #2 in the master bracket. They would eventually match #1 against #2 in war rating, which is not the same thing.
It seems to me that the correct thing to do in the upper tiers of war seasons is to simply match alliances based on win/loss record. Winners face winners, and for all alliances with the same win/loss record you match against a randomly chosen alliance within 5% of your prestige.. This *guarantees* that #1 always faces #2 eventually, as long as #1 and #2 are within 4000 rating places of each other, and reduces the chances of having multiple rematches between alliances of identical win/loss record.
Not only can you not manipulate this system by manipulating prestige, you can't manipulate this system by manipulating war rating either.
@FactorQ these are all in master and plat 1 bracket, I’m assuming you’ve never matched any of them since most alliances I face in tier 2 would also kick their asses
I am not a top player. I do have 10k prestige and play in a 30+ million alliance. We are teetering between gold 1 and gold 2 with no realistic shot at ever going up to plat 4 under the current match making system. Meanwhile I can go on global today and find myself a 20 million alliance whose prestige is far less than mine who is comfortably plat 4 pressing towards plat 3 playing in the same tier war but facing far easier opponents. It’s absurd
As DNA mentioned, matching based on win/loss record may help alleviate the issue. This season we've matched BRJP twice and ASR twice, no reason why we should have to defeat the same alliance twice in the season while rank 2 remains unmolested.
20M rating alliances are getting free master ranks.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
Maybe there should be a system in place where the top 3 going into the final week have to match each other, so low prestige alliances that match nobody all season don’t steal top 1 or 2 master rewards from alliances that are significantly better. It’s bad enough they would still be getting 3rd place rewards ahead of true master alliances that would crush them.