Just did some math on these new potions

I don't think these new potions are a good addition to the game at all. It just gives spenders even more of an advantage in a mode that should be fair to everyone.
The biggest of new single heal potions for alliance war heals for 14k for 1 potion. If you use only potions in a war and no revives you can heal your champions for a total of 210k HP (14k X 15)
Now for the old potions that you can get for free via glory, The max heal on 1 potion is 6k. That means that if you only use potions in a war the max healing you can get is 90k HP (6k X 15)
This is a pretty huge advantage for players that spend a lot of money on the game. Spenders will be able to use way less potions and get way more health back on champions making the heal per item a lot higher.
I do not understand why the old potions couldnt get an update like the questing potions did instead of making something so incredibly unfair.
The biggest of new single heal potions for alliance war heals for 14k for 1 potion. If you use only potions in a war and no revives you can heal your champions for a total of 210k HP (14k X 15)
Now for the old potions that you can get for free via glory, The max heal on 1 potion is 6k. That means that if you only use potions in a war the max healing you can get is 90k HP (6k X 15)
This is a pretty huge advantage for players that spend a lot of money on the game. Spenders will be able to use way less potions and get way more health back on champions making the heal per item a lot higher.
I do not understand why the old potions couldnt get an update like the questing potions did instead of making something so incredibly unfair.
Some other math: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/1150659/#Comment_1150659
Bottom line: the new potions are, in terms of health recovered per unit spent, about 2.0 to 2.5 times stronger.
Whether you think that is a reasonable advantage to hand to players with a lot of units to burn - which isn't just spenders, it is spenders and grinders - is a matter of opinion. But spenders and grinders are always going to have an advantage in this game, because the game is always going to reward those who play more, and it has to reward those who spend simply because that's the only way the game survives. How much each should be rewarded is the debate. And every time you hear someone talk about how bad an offer is or how stupid Kabam is for making a bad offer, you're seeing this debate play out. Giving them too much of an advantage is unbalancing and bad for the game, but giving them too little of an advantage is disincentivizing and also bad for the game. And there's no equation that let's you calculate what the correct middle ground should be.
First there is me. Who spends but has never bought an odins.
I have boosted and my current champion is on 1 hp and my total hp is 35k on that champion. I would have to use 5 potions + a smaller one to get max hp.
This other player is in the same situation but he has the bigger potions. He can use 2 + 1 lower level one.
This means i have to use 2-3 more potions then the other player. He can now still use 12 potions in this war while i can use 9. He i will have more items to use if something goes wrong for him while i might get stuck because all my items are used up.
Again, I don't like it but it's not as bad as I assumed initially. You can always occasionally buy a pot or two with units for emergency reserves when you're in that situation and dont have the time or the boosts to wait. You dont HAVE to switch to the new pots being your main
Edit: i know the game is free and thats why spending is something that supports devs and is a really good thing. But in the competetive aspect i dont think spending should equal a bigger advantage.
There's always been potions sold for units. They didn't just invent them yesterday. These new potions are *stronger* and cost *less* than the current crop of potions. If you're one of those conspiracy nuts that thinks Kabam made the potions weak and expensive to drive sales and are now making them stronger and cheaper also to drive sales, that should tell readers everything they need to know about the validity of your opinion on the matter.