Who would you choose for your head-to-head combat champ

If we could actually fight another human summoner in a Street Fighter-like game mode, which champ would you bring to the fray?
Who would you choose for your head-to-head combat champ 16 votes
ignoring those for a moment .. the best tactic in the game, is to sit back and let the opponent initiate an attack on you, and either parry, intercept, etc.
That said, that means you'll both be doing that.
Void ... means you're just fine sitting back staring at each other, he'll do damage regardless.
Quake ... just charge heavy, start doing damage, and it's very hard for opponent to stop it.
Hyperion .. just sit back, let power gain you up to sp3 .. lather-rinse-repeat.
There's a reason this game doesn't have a actual pvp option
Of course Proxima Midnight would counter Havok and you don’t need to intercept necessarily so... idk