This is just my "point of view" of why kabam / net marble decided to Nerf Dr strange to a point where he's almost useless now ..
Act 5 would have been a breeze with pre nerf strange with all the current nodes if you think about it ..
400% damage = that's much more healing ( the reason why they nerfed the Regen)
Powershield= he constantly gained power(why they reduced the power gain)
What are your thoughts on this ?
Act 5 would have been a breeze with pre nerf strange with all the current nodes if you think about it ..
400% damage = that's much more healing ( the reason why they nerfed the Regen)
Powershield= he constantly gained power(why they reduced the power gain)
What are your thoughts on this ?
It was a major nerf, and he still needs to be buffed
Nerfing them really did bring more balance to the game and made content playable for other chars. However, DS, SW & BW have such minimal use now, they almost need to start from scratch on those chars & abilities to make them relevant in the game.
Not specifically. DS was a Swiss Army Knife, and could "cut" through just about anything. Counterspell, Power Gain, Regen, Fury, etc. That, in combination with the old system based on percentages and Synergies, made it virtually impossible to offer New Content that these Champs couldn't plow through. It was a combination of factors. Not just the individual Abilities themselves. People often make the mistake because they focus on what was changed.
Doc oc is way better then strange now
And he wasn't saying strange is better the doc oc
F4k3_GaM3r, meet Rogue. Rogue, this is F4k3_GaM3r. Clearly, you guys haven't met yet.
I got him right after he was luck is great!
After 12.0 I ranked him down to r3 and haven't used him since
I agree he is not nearly as good now but he always took about that many hits to take out winter soldier. He was never a damage champion he always timed out in AQ but it didn't matter because 1 regen phase would get him back to full.
I can top that I dupes my Thor during 12.0 and after 13.0 I used a gem on my sw
Just duped her from a phc
His 3 phases used to interact with one another and the damage was way higher before. It was fun. His spells were satisfying..
I regret reranking him... I just miss the good doctor's gameplay so much ... battles aren't so exciting anymore.
I have hundreds of Champs. Still haven't rolled a 4* Witch, Thor, or DS yet.
2 accounts rolled her twice now on both first pull on one 5th pull on the other
Popped Thor twice and ds 3 times on main