5* crystal bug

Hey kabam I've completed mole man expedition yesterday and then took a decision to open a 5* crystal, though i had 10k shards still it wasn't bought and said short of shards and when i restarted the game the shards dissappeared. Today it auto duped my hawkeye and I am very angry with that. I want my crystal back☹️☹️

Now you try and buy another crystal, and it tells you that you are 9774 Shards SHORT of being able to by another one.
It is NOT saying that you have 9774 Shards in your inventory.
So you must have bought that first one and it opened and gave you the Dup of your Hawkeye.
Those 2 screenshots (#2 and #3, since #1 is duplicate of 2) are NOT from back-2-back times right after each other.
Take a look at his ALLY CHAT bar at bottom, Msgs have changed (unless there were 2 new Chat Msgs that came in right at the time between your screenshots).
Maybe you had a Refresh/Sync Problem between your device and Kabam Servers (where your device was still showing more than 10,000 but when tried to buy it a 2nd Time the Servers prevented it) ??
Doing tricks wouldn't give you anything different